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Chan. One of the softest boys in Stray Kids,but he had a one,huge soft spot for Seungmin. Maybe the only reason is because the younger has separation anxiety,and it just makes him a lot more adorable. Also the younger was super clingy to Chan. And that Seungmin had little space,Chan was his offical caregiver.
     "Great everyone. Couple more times,and we're free." Chan said,and the boys sighed in exhaus. Seungmin was feeling little,what really made him more tired and exhausted than anyone else. The younger felt so tired,that he even whimpered. Chan turned his head to his baby,and walked to him
"Are you tired baby?" Chan asked,and Seungmin nodded. Chan cooed,and hugged the younger
"Only a couple of times baby. Not many,okay?" Chan cooed,and Seungmin nodded. Chan went to put music,and the little fought the urge of slipping.
"Okay! 1,and,2,and 3!" Chan said,and they started to dance. Seungmin's legs were super wobbly,he couldn't barely even stand. Chan barely noticed the yongers actions,that's how focused he was. Seungmin fell,but nobody noticed it,and he tried to stand again,but his legs were against him,so he couldn't even get up. So,Seungmin crawled out of the practise room,nobody noticining him.
"Hello Seungmin." Sana said,as the boy finally stopped crawling.
"Hyun'ie no cawe.." Seungmin mumbled,and Sana got on her knees.
"Of course they care,but they're busy now baby." Sana said,and Jihyo appeared to the sence.
"What's wrong here?" she asked,as Seungmin lowered his head. Sana shooked her head,and Jihyo cooed
"What's wrong?" she asked
"Hyun'ie no cawe abou' Minnie.." Seungmin mumbled,and Jihyo and Sana's hearts shatered at the cute boy. Jihyo also kneeled in front of Seungmin,patting his head
"Of course they care about you,they're just busy.." Jihyo said,and Seungmin bursted into fat tears.
"Hyu'ie say 'm a cwybaby.." Seungmin mumbled again,and the two girls heart's said "crack crack". They hated to see him in that condition,and Sana hugged him. Soon,the partice room's door opened
"Minnie,they're here. See you.." Sana said,and she and Jihyo left.
"What a crybaby he is.." Minho said in clear disrespect,and Jisung forced a chuckle. So did Hyunjin and Jeongin. They didn't think Seungmin was a crybaby,nor anything else. Chan walked to his baby
"How long have you been here,baby?" Chan asked,when he pulled Seungmin into a fat hug.
"Minnie don' know dwaddy.." the little sluttred,and Chan cooed silently to the boy. Chan got up,and left with Seungmin to the dressing rooms. Seungmin fought against to be carried,and Chan let him down,after he realised how badly the little wanted to get off. Seungmin walked,yes,but his steps were slow and tired.
     "Come on slowass! We don't have much time left!" Minho yelled at the slower boy,who tried to walk as fast as he could. Chan gave Minho an ugly look,as Seungmin ran to the van of theirs.
"Great. Next time,don't be such a slowass crybaby." Minho swore to the younger,who just nodded. His members looking at him,like he was a little child,who was very lost. What he actually was,a lost young child. Seungmin's lower lip trempleing,he stepped into the van,before anyone else of course,he didn't want to break to tears,right there. Chan sat next to Seungmin,and held the youngers hand. Seungmin broke into tears,he loved this. His hand being held by the person he loved the most. He loved every member,but Chan the most. Just because Chan was his caregiver.
"Minnie,are you crying?" Chan asked,as the youngers shoulders were shaking
"Nu,'m nwot.." Seungmin mumbled,Chan wasn't beliving him. Chan took a soother from his pocket
"Baby,look here." Chan said,and Seungmin turned his head. Chan gave the soother to the younger,who opened his mouth. Seungmin laid his head on Chan's shoulder,who was smiling at the younger,who fought against sleeping.
"Close your eyes baby." Chan cooed,and Seungmin finally closed his eyes.
"My precious baby.."

Separation anxiety; SeungChan
cr to: me,2019

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