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"Boys,what did I say about the noise?" Hyunjin asked,as everyone had dressed,and ate. It was only 7:10 am,yet the other two littles had so much energy.
"Sowwy daddy.." said Jeongin,running after Minho. Felix and Chan were taking care of the sick and the youngset little,Seungmin.
"Awppa.." Seungmin couhed out,and Chan quickly took him into his arms. He felt the front of the diaper,what was cold,meaning,Seungmin has been wet for a while now. One soggy boy he is,Chan thought to himself,as he opened the door to his and Seungmin's shared room. Chan laid Seungmin down to a soft matress,and took out a fresh diaper. The cold breeze made Seungmin whine.
"Sorry baby,I know that it's cold." Chan said,as he placed the soft item under the younger. When Seungmin first time slipped,he was very dehydtared,and it was maybe a effect,so when ever he slipped,he would have a lot of accitendts,but Chan nor Felix didn't never bother to change him. After Woojin left,they noticed that Seungmin only let Chan or Felix change him,what really confused the others. Chan thought that it was only that,because Woojin always changed him,and the other two were really close with Woojin. But,it was just a thought. Chan patted Seungmin pale tummy softly,and the younger giggled.
"My adorable baby,," Chan cooed,and got the younger to his arms. Seungmin smiled at the older,and Chan softly pinched his cheeks.
"My adorable chubby cheeked baby boy.." Chan said,and Seungmin clinged to Chan more. Chan entered the living room,greeted by Felix and Changbin wathcing playing Jeongin and Minho. Chan gave Seungmin to Felix,who took the boy imitiadly to his arms. Minho and Seungmin looked at eachother.
"Minnie ve'y cwute!" Minho said,pointing at Seungmin,who smiled softly. Chan left the sence,but Seungmin noticed it.
"Awppa,," the younger called out,and Chan turned around. Seungmin's eyes were watery,and Chan fought against his own will.
"Baby,appa will comeback,don't worry. You don't need to be scared. Lixie and Binnie are there. Appa's not going anywhere." Chan told the now-maybe-he's-going-to-panic-little,who just flinged his arms out.
"Baby,you heard appa,he's not going anywhere.." Felix said,as Seungmin fought in his arms.
"Ama,," Seungmin sobbed,hiding his face to Felix's shoulder
"Uhm,excuse me-" Felix choked out,and Chan came back.
"Lix,what happened?" Chan asked,as Felix handed Seungmin back to Chan.
"He just called me ama." Felix said,and Changbin pouted.
"What am I Minnie?" Binnie asked,and Seungmin turned his head to Changbin
"Neni!" Seungmin said,and Changbin uwu'ed inside.
"Ama,appa and neni? Okay,that's adorable.." Chan said,and smiled.
"So,we're also his caregivers now?" Felix asked,and Chan nodded.
"I think that you're,Felix-ama and Changbin-neni." Chan said happily.
"But I feel like he's still the most clinged to you,Chan." Felix said,and Changbin nodded.
"You've been his caregiver since the start.."

haha,i've gone mad,two uploads in a day. yes,i made lixie and binnie the other two main caregivers :) btw
ama is 'mommy',ap(p)a or just apa is 'daddy' and neni is 'auntie' in hungarian. hungarian is my other main language after finnish : D maybe another one is coming out :)) it's maybe about how chan became seungmins caregiver. look foward to it!

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