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Late nights were the best. In little Seungmins opinion. He wasn't like other littles. He loved the rain,darkness,and a bit of alone time. He didn't like that much of 'pink and glittery' stuff. Well,it's easy for him to say,since he's a boy little. (but there is boy littles,who enjoy playing princess and pinkglitterystuff. I'm okay with it) He was..unique. He was writing right now.

"Dear diary,it's been exhausting these days. I've not slipped,again. I slipped two weeks ago last time. I don't want to stress them,since they have '25/8 littlespace' Jeongin and Minho to handle. I don't want to be in the way. I read somewhere,was it called..wattpad? yeah,it was wattpad,that littles like pink,glitter,disney and 3/4 are bratty sub princess. Am I not a good little? Do I need to be like that in order to be little?

He sighed,and got off his earphones.
"Chan,I know that you're there,stop it." the younger called out,and the door opened.
"Hello baby. How are you doing?" Chan asked,as Seungmin srunched his nose.
"Could be better." the younger said,as he changed his posestion. His diaper crackled as he sat down again. Chan didn't trust the younger anymore,so he has to wear diapers. It was second hand embarrasing the younger.
"How? Why? Why you could be better? Is something bothering you?" the caregiver asked,patting the littles head. The younger bit his lip,sighed.
"No it's just that-" the younger started.
"Am I not a good little? the younger spat out,leaving the older shocked.
"No,I,wha-why?" the older mutred.
"I'm,,not like Minho nor Jeongin,they play and do stuff that 'normal' littles are supposed to do,unlike me. I'm just a crying,helpless little baby on your lap. People make fun of me. By people I mean Jeongin and Minho. I cannot even---"
"Shh. Don't say anymore." the older hushed the younger.
"What do they say about you?" the older asked,patting the youngers head.
"Go easy. I'm not rushing you." the caregiver smiled.
"At practise today,,Minho called me a weak hepless baby when I started to cry because I got hurt. Jeongin called me a cry baby. I don't actually really care anymore. They call me that,this,that.." the younger explained softly,almost whispering.
"They have been insulting and teasing me for months now. I don't even bother." the younger continued.
"So,just give up on me." the little said again,looking away. It was all dark outside,some city lights were on. The clock was showing 11.12 pm at red light. It was,,somehand like a romantic agaisnt movie.
"Minnie,baby,I'm sorry--" the older started again.
"Don't even start. You're not sorry!" the younger said,running away,leaving sad Chan behind him. That hurt Chan. His bubbly baby,his cute little. What has he became? Where is the bubbly adorable baby Seungmin?  Chan thought to himself,hiding his face in his arms.
"Hey,Chan.." he heard a soft voice in the door.
"What's up with Seungmin?" Jisung asked,sitting down to the bed Chan was sitting on.
"Nothing much.." the older said,Jisung rolled his eyes
"Don't lie. He was crying. Crying fat tears. Almost wailing. Did you two fight?" the younger asked,tilting his head.
"No,,he just told me that he doesn't feel like a real little. Minho and Jeongin have been insulting him for these past months. I feel bad,but he refuses to belive so. He has lost faith in humans,maybe?" the older explained.
"When was the last time he slipped? the younger asked. That's the moment Chan froze. It has been months..

an here! I'm feeling a much much better! I feel like I could run a marathon!! ^^

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