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(This' maybe gonna be the longest chapter,beware)

Seungmin thought himself as a bad boy. He was so exhausted. Today,when they were practacing,he fell a couple of times,messed up his part in the comeback song. Bad,bad baby,he thought to himself. It's been a couple of weeks,no,months,when he last time slipped,and his stress was on the roof. He was also on the verge of a mental breakdown.
   "Baby,we'll leave now. Come within 20 minutes,okay?" Chan asked,as Seungmin was all alone at the pratice room. Seungmin nodded,and Chan closed the door. Seungmin sat on the floor,pulling his legs to his cheast. He got up,and went to put some music on. He tried,and tried. He fell every time he tried,once on his back,what was gonna leave a nasty bruise. Tear filled eyes,chacting his breath,Seungmin got up. It's has already been an hour,his hyungs would be worried sick now. He left,slowly walking. Tears rolling down his cheeks,he walked to their dorm. He took his phone out of his bag,and the veiw was shocking. 20 missed calls from Chan,150 massages from his hyungs and Jeongin.
"Baby,where are you? I'm worried sick." Chan
"Hey Minnie,are you okay?" Minho (why is he nice to me now?)
"Min,is everything okay?" Changbin
"Babyboy,are you there? At the practise room?" Hyunjin
"Hey bubba,is something wrong?" Jisung
"Hello? Sweets,you all okay?" Felix
"Hyungie,we're worried sick. Come home,please." Jeongin.

    Once he got home,the members didn't even notice him. They were so busy watching something. Seungmin tiptoed to his room,and flobbed to his and Chan's bed. Was he that bad,that his members didn't even reconice when he came home. Was he that useless? Seungmin held himself by his own hair,bitting his lowerlip.

"Chan,can you go check on Seungmin-" Hyunjin tried to say,but Chan was up in that instant.
"Sure. He's my baby afterall.." Chan said,leaving to his and Seungmins room.
   "Baby,can I come in?" Chan asked,and he heard a quiet,soft "yes",so he got in.
"Baby,are you really okay? You seem so tired these days.." Chan said,looking at Seungmin,the sorrow figure in front of him
"Baby,we've talked about this. No harming daddy's babyboy.." Chan said,getting in front of Seungmin to the bed. Seungmin's eyes were in the verge of exploding with tears,but the little just bit his lip,and tried his best not to cry.
"It's been a long time since you last time really should. You're so stressed,babyboy.." Chan cooed at the figure in front of him,shaking his head.
"You really need to.." the older said,his voice getting more calmer that uselly. That was it. Seungmin's breaking point. He burts into fat tears. That was it. He was wailing like a young child,like a baby. The word 'cry baby' kept replaying in his head,he hit himself to stop crying.
"Baby,don't hit yourself.." Chan said,as he pulled Seungmin into a comforting hug. The little nuzzled his head to Chan's cheast,and kept wailing.
"Minnie bwad.." Seungmin mufled,Chan's heart breaking. He didn't want to see Seungmin in that conditon.
"No baby,you aren't bad.." Chan tried to comfort his crying little,who really had been fighting it.
"Nwo,'m ve'y bwad.." Seungmin fought against his own will. Chan hushed him,tried to calm him down
"Baby,stop hurting yourself. You don't deserve it.." Chan said,rubbing Seungmins back. Chan reached for the night table,and opened one of the cabins. He took out a babyblue pacifier.
"Open baby,ah,open,ah.." Chan said,giving the pacifier to the younger. Seungmin opened his mouth,and quietly sucked on it. Chan smiled sadly,mouthing 'that's my good babyboy'.
"We should change to something more comfy,should we?" Chan asked his little,who eventally stopped sobbing. Seungmin was still in his practise clothing,so it would be super uncomfy to be in those
"Nwo 'tange.." Seungmin mumbles,and Chan looks at him
"Why not baby?" Chan asked Seungmin,who just shook his head.
"Huwt.." the little mufled,and Chan's heart charsed once again
"Daddy want's to see what hurts baby." Chan said,and lifted Seungmin's shirt,what revealed a big nasty yellow forming bruise.
"Where did you get this baby?" Chan asked,feeling the nasty bruise.
"I fwell.." Seungmin mudred,and Chan silently cooed at the little. Chan rubbed the bruise,and the little flinched and whined at the pain
"That must've been painful.." Chan said,and Seungmin flinched more at the pain.
"But,we should change,it's so late." Chan said,and left Seungmin there,who just whined. Chan got a oversized hoodie,babyblue,oversized hoodie.
"Baby,you should wear a diaper." Chan required,and got a one at a cabinet.

                                         -------               at night                -------

Cold. Again,that was what woke Seungmin up. Like milloins of ice bucket were poured in top of him. He started to sit on the bed,and felt so uncomfy. Chan's arm laid there,were Seungmin was laying a couple ten seconds ago.
Seungmin was slipped out of little space,and so ashamed oh himself. He became ashamed of being little. Ashamed of everything. Chan murmured in his sleep,and Seungmin flinched. Chan's arm moved again,this,time the older woke up.
"Minnie,baby?" Chan asked,and got up tiredly. Seungmin's big side literally said "bye bitch" and his little side kicked in.
"Dwaddy.." Seungmin mufled,his pacifier falling into the covers. Chan got up,looking at his now fat tears crying little
"Dwaddy,wet.." Seungmin choked out,and Chan pulled him into a hug,when Seungmin was crying fat tears.
"Oh baby,you must be so uncomfy. We should change you." Chan said,and Seungmin jsut nodded
"We need to change you,don't we?" Chan asked,and got up from bed.'

--nlg this sucked ;-; I was feeling aestachic and depressed so I wrote this lol.

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