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Leaving. That was the word,or action that somehow triggered little Seungmin. Just hearing it,he became so anxious. The days had passed,yet Seungmin was still wondering about slipping. He didn't want to,he was so ashamed about the fact that he did that. It was disgausting what happened when he was in little space. Wetting. It was ashaming. Very.
       Again,many hours spented on training. Vocals,dancing and just,,everything. Seungmin had drinken way too much water for his own bladder,without a bathroom break. Chan was looking after him,of course,but it felt like Chan was washing away from Seungmin,what hurt the younger.
"Hey Lix.." Seungmin said,sitting next to Felix,who looked at his dear friend.
"Yeah baby,is something wrong?" Felix asked,as Seungmin softly shook his head
"Something is wrong baby. What is it?" Felix asked,again,while patting Seungmin's milky hair softly.
"Well,I feel like Chan has distanced himself from me." the younger explained softly,Felix cooing at him.
"I'm sure he still loves you..he's just busy baby.." Felix said,and took Seungmin's hand. The truth untold was playing at the background. It was like a romantic movie.
"I quess so..but,excuse me now,I'm going to the bathroom.." Seungmin said,and left. Of course,he bumped into Chan.
"Baby,where are you going?" Chan asked,as Seungmin tried to avoid him.
"Hey,anserw me." Chan shot,taking Seungmin softly by his hand. Seungmin just sighed
"Let me go." the younger said softly,but Chan just pulled him closer.
"Where are you going,babyboy? You've been kinda distant from me these days." Chan softly explained,and the little just shook his head. He was getting more desprature,willeging in discomfort.
"Havn't you really realised? You've been distant from me,Chan. I don't want to bother." Seungmin whispered,and Chan pulled his face closer to his.
"But,what's wrong?" Chan asked again. Seungmin's eyes were on the edge of bursting,why won't Chan just let him go?
"Hyungie,please,just let me go-"
"Don't you know manners? Tell appa what's wrong.." Chan said,Seungmin got more madder every second.
"Appa,please,just let go of me!" Seungmin yelled harshly,knowing he'd messed up. Chan gave his little a look,and just shook his head. Seungmin burtsed into fat tears,and sobbed softly.
"Lwet mwe gwo! Pwease,awppa! Lwet Minnie gwo!" Seungmin sobbed softly,and Chan going to his caregiver mode.
"Minnie,why're you moving like that?" Chan asked,when Seungmin whimpered and wiglled. Poor Seungmin,who had held it for way too long,let go. His pants upper area got all sore,and wet. Chan just stared at his little,softly shaking his head.
"I knew this would happen. You should've wore diapers." Chan said,and got sobbing Seungmin into his back. Chan entered the changing room's,still sobbing Seungmin in his back.
"Baby,you're crying so much.." Chan said,opening their lockers. He took out a fresh pair of pants and a diaper. He also took a soother,and gave it to the crying boy. Chan opened the bathroom door,and laid Seungmin down to a soft matress they had in the bathroom.
"Oh Minnie,you're crying so much,that you probebly have a headache.." Chan said,and unfolded the diaper in his hand. Chan got it all done,yet Seungmin was still crying.
"Oh,baby.." Chan cooed,and pat Seungmin's pale tummy. It was soft,like a babies.

nibba,i tried :)

Soft babyboy (Seungchan)Where stories live. Discover now