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(Sorry,this book doesn't have an intro,I'm deeply sorry..)

Cold. That's what woke Seungmin up. The window was open? No. It felt like milloins of ice buckets were poured on him. He came to realisation. He had wet himself,like a hecking baby. He was guilty,no,beoynd that. He became ashmed of the fact that he was little. Like a toddler,he had wet himself. Chan wasn't here either. Seungmin started to panic.
"DWADDY!" Seungmin shouted,sobbing to his legs. Soon,the bedroom door opened,and Chan bursted trhough it.
"Baby.." Chan said,and wrapped his arms around the little. Chan patted Seungmins diapered bottom,and gave back his pacifier. Tired and shocked Jeongin following him,he gave Seungmin a emphating look. Hyunjin following him,then came Jisung. Lastly,no one but Minho
"Are you guys literally spending your time on that weak crybaby?" Minho asked,and Jisung looked at his boyfriend in disgust.
"MINHO!" he shouted,causing Minho to finch "You're the weak crybaby here Minho." Jisung said. Minho's eyes filled with tears,as he runs away. The Changlix couple came as well.
"Why did Minho run away?" Felix asked. Changbin looked at Seungmin.
"Jisung called on him. He has never done that before." Hyunjin explained. Felix nodded. Everyone looked at the couple,then at eachother.
"Why did he sream at the first place?" Changbin asked. Chan just shurrged.
"I don't know. Maybe.." he tried to say. Changbin thouhgt.
"Separation anxiety." he finally said. Felix looked at his boyfriend
"Se-wHAT?" Chan shouted,compolitely forgoting that Seungmin was still in his arms. The little whined,and Chan hushed him again
"Sorry baby.." Chan hushed,as Seungmin sobbed softly. Chan continued to pat Seungmins padded bottom. The little snugled more closer to Chan's cheast.
"We're gonna leave now." Hyunjin says,as the boys leave. Chan nodded,and rocked a bit.
"Baby,why do you have separation anxiety? Daddy's not gonna leave you." Chan cooed,and his little cried a bit more
"Minnie ish bwad.." Seungmin mudderd,and Chan looked at him
"No baby,you aren't bad,why would you be?" Chan asked,and Seungmin sobbed a bit more
"Minnie wet.." Seungmin mumbled,and his pacifeir fell down to Chan's lap.
"Oh baby,you must be so uncomfy..Daddy's sorry that he didn't realise.." the older cooed,and Seungmin had fat tears rolling down his little cheeks.
"We better change that,should we?" Chan asked his little,who nodded sadly. Chan gave Seungmin his pacifier back,and he got up.
"Does Minnie co'new aftew bat'?" Seungmin asked,and Chan looked at his little.
"No,you aren't,baby. Everyone has accitendts." Chan explained,and let the water run to the bath.
"We need to be quick,it's so late. You must be so tired little baby.." Chan cooed,when Seungmin rubbed his eyes. They didn't even bother to change when they came home,that's how tired they were
"Otay.." Seungmin said,nodding sadly.

This looks so rushed,I literally ran out of ideas :)

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