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 Wet baby

Seungmin had been out of little space for weeks now. Chan was actually kind off happy,because now the younger was less stressed. But one thing.. Seungmin was growing distant for the gruop,what bothred Chan somehow.
"Hey,Seungmin.." Chan called,when he passed the younger in the hallway.
"Hi hyung-"
"Why're you so distant for me baby?" the older asked,then the younger froze.
"I just want some space. I don't want to be annoying." the younger told the older softly,bowed,and left. Chan was fully sad now. Was he a bad person? Or didn't Seungmin like them?
"Hey Min-" Felix said. Seungmin just smiled,walking away. It hurt everyone. The kind Seungmin was no more. Distant Seungmin was now. It hurt. It just hurt the members.
"Minnie? Do you want to watch drama with us?" Minho ofred,but Seungmin just shook his head
"No thanks. I'd love to,but I've other stuff to do." Seungmin said,as he bowed and smiled softly. The reality was,that he had to go to the bathroom,but was way too shy to do that. Chan saw his chance.
"Oh,okay." the older (Minho) said,as he frowned.
"I'd love to,really." the younger said,as he left.
    "Minnie has been weird these days." Hyunjin said,as they were cuddled up in a pile.
The reason? Seungmin has been wetting himself OUT of little space. Like bedwetting and sometimes turing practise and school. He was embarrased about it. He didn't want the members to know.
Now Seungmin was laying in his bed,watching at the cealing. For gods sake,he was going to wet himself again.
"Baby,can I come in?" Chan asked,as he heard a silent 'yes',he opened the door.
"Baby,you've been acting weird. You havn't been little,what is all fine,but-hey,what's wrong?" Chan asked,as Seungmin started squirming.
"Nothing.." the younger said,as he placed his hands to his stomach
"What is it?" Chan asked,as the youngers eyes filled with tears.
"I said that it's nothing-" Seungmin couldn't even finnish his sentace,and he was red as what. Soon,he started to softly sob,and that alarmed Chan.
"Hey,hey baby shh,don't cry,shh..appa's here-"
"Chan,stop it I'm not little!" the younger said harsly,yeeting (sorry,had to ligthen the mood here) Chan's hand away.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Fo-fow a cwouplwe of weeks.." the younger sobbed,as Chan cooed,pulling the younger to a hug.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's embawwasin'! I nwo wanna twell! Awppa would lauwgh at Minnie!" the younger sobbed.
"Why would I? Baby,it's not embarrasing,accitends happen.."
"Swtop that.." the little said,yelting (that's a word now) himself away from Chan.
"Baby..." Chan's voice became cold,as Seungmin pushed himself away from Chan. Chan gave Seungmin a warning look.
"Stop." the older warned. Seungmin just continued to fight. Chan took Seungmins arms,and laid him on his lap.
"LWET MWE GWO!" the little shouted as he flinged his arms to diffrent derections.
"Count to 10,then I'll let you go." the older said,the little knew what was going to happen. Spanking. one..two..three..four,now the sound had sniffles in it..five..six..seven
"When you don't behave you will get *smack* your tushie spank-*smack*-ed what's not *smack* fun.." the older spoke,as the younger was already in the non-verbal mindscape.
"And ten.." the caregiver said,as the younger just contiuned to sob.
"Oh baby.." the older cooed,as he pulled the youngers pants up.
"I need to change you.."

look who uploaded : D me!   I think that I'm part of The Hunger Games-fandom,I mean it's a good series,and I'm crushing on Katness.. (an,your lesbian is showing,and you've a girlfreind.) but yeah,,I wanted this to have 400+ words,so I had to think of something and bom,this mess was created. But guess who's feeling better? ME! My dances ended,but I still have two theatre classes. It's almost the holidays,so I'm having (as the holidays arive) a 3 week break what means many chapters! I have another story on procsess,so I'll be working on that,as well.
But,I'll keep fighting and dancing,cause dancing is my pride (and also fan skz and hunger games)

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