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It was a very early morning. Maybe like 4 or 5 am. Chan hasn't slept,like always. Seungmin was still very ill,so they had three littles to handle. Minho,Jeongin and him. Seungmin has been very soggy these days,what really worried Chan.
"Hey,noona." Chan said. He was calling Sana,one of the members of Twice.
"Chan please,it's 4:34 am,what do you want?" was heard thru the speakers.
"It's nothing bad." Chan replaid.
"Seungmin was been very soggy these days. Do you know why?" the man asked,and Sana just groaned thru the speaker
"Has he been little?" the older asked
"Yeah,these past three days,why?"
"I think I know why. He's not sick,no,but wasn't he very dehydrated when he first time slipped in front of you?"
"It's a thing. My cousin was very dehydrated,and had accitendts a lot. Then,he slipped,and he was constantly wetting. Now,everytime he slips,he wets,a lot." the girl explained,and Chan was nodding.
"Oh,so is that a reflex or something?""
"I think so.."
"Okay,thanks noona!"
"No problem,now,go to sleep,it's almost 5 am,please Chan?"
"Yeah,I'll.." Chan said,and closed the call. Chan went to lay next to Seungmin. Chan patted the youngers head,and smiled.
"Minnie,you don't even know how much appa loves you.." Chan said,as he turned to his right side. Seungmin also turned,so now he was facing Chan. Chan's eyes were closing,but then the younger whined.
"Hm,what is it baby?" Chan asked,and patted Seungmins head. Seungmin's whines turned into soft sobs,and Chan lifted the little to his lap.
"Aren't you wet again?" Chan asked,and felt the patted bottom of the younger. It was heavier.
"Oh shit.." Chan murmured,and Seungmin was now really crying.
"Shh,oh god,we need to wash you.." Chan said,and slowly got up. He carefully opened the door,and tiptoed to the bathroom. As he was about to enter the bathroom,Felix came from the bathroom.
"Oh,hi Chan..what's wrong?" the younger aussie asked,as Chan was hushing the little in his arms.
"Nothing much,but Lix,can you please help me?" the older aussie asked,as Felix gave him a weird look.
"How do I need to help you Chan?"
"Well,we have a bigger problem here.."
"So,can you help me?" Chan asked,and Felix nodded. The two aussies entered the bathroom,Felix putting the lights on. Chan gave the crying little to Felix,who started to hush the little.
"Shh,shh baby,don't cry,shh,shh.." the younger aussie cooed,as Chan started to run the bath.
"It shoudn't be too cold nor hot." Felix warned the older,who only chuckled.
"Yeah,yeah,don't worry." the older aussie laughed,and Felix sat on the toilet seat.
"How long has he been crying again?" the younger aussie asked,as Chan felt the water
"For 15 or 20 minutes,he just doesn't stop." the older spoke,and the younger nodded.
"He cries so much.."
"Don't new borns cry a lot?" the older asked,as Felix started to hum.
"I mean,yes they do,but.." the younger said,as Chan pulled a fresh diaper out of the cabinet.
"Try yo calm him down,we don't need to scare him anymore."
"Sleep,now hush my baby,shh,everything's okay,ama's here with you.." the younger hummed,as Seungmin's sobs calmed down.
"wow." the older spoke,as Seungmin had calmed down. Felix smiled,and took off the littles sweat shirt.
"Here Chan.." said Felix,who had put Seungmin in a towel buritto.
"I read that newborns need to be bathed like that." the younger told,as Chan placed the little to the water.
"Oh,really?" the older asked.

i read that newborn babies need be bathed like as a buritto :)) my mom told me that as well,she's a babydoctor (i don't know the name in english,but in finnish it's 'vastasyntyneiden hoitaja' and in hungarian 'baba molegýn')

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