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Night time. The best way to desgribe the situation. Chan had been up all night again. Just for the sake of Seungmin. The younger was feeling feverish,and Chan didn't want him to have a diaper rash. Seungmin couhged softly,and Chan flinched at the sudden noise. A soft knock was heard on the wooden door,and Chan opened it.
"Shh,Seungmin's sleeping.." Chan said,and Hyunjin nodded
"Finally,after like two weeks. He has been so,,how would I say it,,sore." Hyunjin said,and came to their room,and sat next to Seungmin.
"His cheeks are all red-" Hyunjin said,and softly touched Seungmin's cheeks "Oh god! He's burning!" Hyunjin almost shouted,and Seungmin whined.
"Sorry baby,I didn't mean to wake you.." Hyunjin said,as Seungmin softly rubbed his eyes.
"Appa?" the youngest asked,and Hyunjin gave back Seungmin's fallen pacifier.
"Hello baby. How are you feeling?" Chan asked,sitting next to Hyunjin.
"Sickie.." the youngest mutred,and Hyunjin cooed.
"Hwot.." Seungmin said,it was so harse,that Chan and Hyunjin could barely hear it.
"You're hot baby?" Chan asked,and Seungmin softly nodded.
"Any other?" Hyunjin asked softly,and Seungmin nodded.
"Twummy.." the younger said again,as Chan got him onto his lap.
"My poor baby.." Chan said,as the youngest couhged again.
"Innie has been little a while now.." Hyunjin said. Chan softly nodded,as Seungmin sniffled. They had two littles in the household. Jeongin was always maybe three or so,Seungmin was mostly a newborn or one. Jeongin was very wild,what sometimes scared the younger little. Jeongin and Seungmin sometimes played toghter,even tho Seungmin was mostly on Chans,Changbins or Felixs lap,since the rest were still super afraid that the wilder little would hurt Seungmin. Chan was super insecure to leave the two littles toghter alone,after a incident. Jeongin got way too exitided,and almost broke Seungmin's leg after accitendly stepping onto it. And after Woojin left,Seungmin hasn't slept,nor slipped when Jeongin is around.
"Baby,do you want some milk?" Chan asked,and Seungmin nodded. Chan has been patting Seungmins patted bottom for a while now,just in case the little would have an accitend. Hyunjin smiled sadly,and went to make some milk. Chan looked at the clock next to him. 5:55 a.m. It was very early,but soon,Jeongin would be awake. Jeongin mostly was awake already at 6 am,what was very exhausting for Hyunjin. Soon,Hyunjin returned with a warm bottle of milk,and Chan fed the little in front of him. Seungmin softly sulked down his warm milk,moving his amrs a bit. Chan knew,that the younger was now maybe a new born,and they had to be very careful with him.
"Daddy!" Jeongin shouted from Hyunjin's room,Hyunjin bowed and left. After Seungmin finnshed,Chan burbed him.
"I feel like the rest are awake,should we go say good morning?" Chan softly asked Seungmin,who only nodded.     Felix and Changbin were already sitting in the couch,cuddleing.
"Morning hyung." Felix greeted him,as they stepped to the living room. Seungmin was resting his head on Chan's shoulder,quietly sucking to his baby blue soother.
"Morning bubba,are you little sick?" Changbin asked,as Chan sat on the couch next to the cuddleing pair.
"Yes,a bit sick.." Chan said,as Seungmin couhed again.
"Poor baby boy.." Felix said,patting the youngest's head.
"How old is he?" Changbin asked carefully,as Felix stopped patting Seungmin's head.
"Maybe a new born.." Chan said careful,and Felix cooed. Chan gave Seungmin to Felix,who smiled softly.
"Hello baby boy,," Felix said,and gave Seungmin gave the older his adorable smile. Felix smiles,and Changbin softly rubbed Seungmin's cheeks. This veiw was maybe one of the softest things ever.
"Mowin' hyunies!" Jeongin exclaimed,and entered the living room. Felix gave Seungmin back to Chan.
"Jeongin,honey,don't shout,Minnie is sick." Hyunjin softly explained to the younger. Jeongin's eyes widened.
"SICK?" he shouted and Seungmin sobbed a bit. Chan cooed softly,and hushed the little in his arms.
"Chan,you can give him to me." Felix said,and Chan gave Seungmin to Felix,who rocked and hushed the younger. Seungmin was crying,but not wailing. Only soft sobs and tears.
"Baby,shh,Innie is sorry that he scared you,he didn't mean it.." Felix cooed,and Jeongin quietly judged himself
"Yes,Innie is sowwy Minnie.." Jeongin said,and bowed kindly.
"You need to be careful baby. Minnie is only a new born." Hyunjin explained,and Jeongin nodded softly.
"Shh,shh,baby,it's all okay.." Felix cooed,and patted the youngers patted bottom. Minho and Jisung entered the sence,and Minho looked at his new caregiver in confusion.
"Dada,what's w'on' with Minnie?" Minho asked,and everyone turned their heads to the new pair in the doorway.
"Is Minho witta?!" Jeongin asked happily,almost shouting again.
"YESH!" Minho exclaimed,and Jeongin smiled.
"Boys,don't shout.." Jisung softly scolded them,and they bowed in apologize.
"Who want's some breakfast?" Changbin asked,and everyone nodded. Changbin and Chan went to the kitchen.
"Can Minho an' Innie pwlay aftew bwea'fast?" Minho asked.
"Sure,but not so loud,remember that Seungmin is sick."
"C'mon Minnie,let's go eat.." Felix said,and he went to kitchen still rocking Seungmin.

don't hate me,i know this soo bad :))

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