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"Boys. Don't shout. Let Minnie rest." Chan scoled the other two littles who were just so loud. Felix was feeding Seungmin a bottle,Changbin was watching the two. Chan and Jisung were making food for the gruop,Hyunjin was sleeping. Finally,Hyunjin's sleeping,Chan thought. It has been a while when Hyunjin last slept. He was so busy watching over Jeongin. Minho and Jeongin were playing,but so loudly.
"AND THEN BOOM! THE SHIP EXPLODED!" Minho shouted,Jeongin making a crash sound with his mouth,what was hella loud.
"What did I say about the noise?" Chan asked,as Seungmin softly whined.
"Sowwy Channie-hyun'ie.." Minho said,as Chan nodded. Oh god,the other two are so loud,why can't they just be quiet for a while? Jisung asked himself,as he shook his head. Felix was done with Seungmin and laid the little back to their sofa. Seungmin had to been in arms reach,because how sick he was. Seungmin had fallen a sleep fastly,quietly sucking to his pacifier. Minho and Jeongin contiued with the noise,yet they were told many times to play more quietly. The three littles were enough for the five exhausted caregivers.
"Boys." Felix warned them softly.
"We've told you to play more quietly many times,why can't you just do it?" Jisung asked,stopping cutting the cappege.
"One more warning,if you two don't belive then,you'll earn 10 minutes in a corner. Got it." Jisung continued coldly,and the other two just nodded. Not even five minutes,the two were making noise.
"Boys." Felix warned with his deep voice. The other two went quiet again,that neither lasted long. Four minutes and 25 seconds.
"That's it." Jisung said,and laid the knife down. He took Minho by his waist,so he did for Jeongin.
"Stay here. I'm gonna tell you when you can continue to play." Jisung told the littles.
"Stupid dada. What can we do about it that we pwlay?" Minho asked,he was maybe five,to Jeongin,who just shook his head,and was being in the headscape of a three year old.
"Hey,I've an idea!" Minho said after a while,clapping his hands softly togther.
"Wha'?" the younger asked,as Minho got up.
"You'll see.." Minho said,as he walked to the sleeping little. Jeongin didn't even dare to watch it. Minho quickly placed his finger to the ring of the pacifier in the youngers mouth. He quietly counted to three,as he hit three,he pulled the pacifier out of his mouth. It took only two great minutes to Seungmin to realise what had happened. The youngest little whined,and his eyes were watery. Soon,Seungmin started to sob. Minho regretted what he did.
"Minho.." he heard a cold voice behind him. Minho glupped
"What did I say? It has only been six minutes." Jisung coldly said,as Minho's shoulders shrugged down.
"Now,can you give Minnie back his pacifier?" Chan asked,and Minho gave Seungmin his pacifeir back.
"Sowwy.." Minho said,patting the youngers head.
"Minho. Since you were bad,you get ten more minutes in corner." Felix calmly explained,Minho had to axpect the fact.

again,a rushed looking story :)) i'm trying.. my stress is so high,i can barely even stand still. i've been sick a lot for now,only because of my stress,but i'm fine. i've been sick since friday,but i'm all fine :)) i'm going to my friends today,,so..it's still 2 am,almost 3 am. but look,i'm all fine.. lol i sound depressed.. :'D

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