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"Why can't Minnie pwlay like Innie and Minho?" Minho asked his caregiver,who had been explaining for the other two.
"Minnie is so small and little,he cannot. His body is weak. His body cannot handle your rough plays." Hyunjin softly explained,the other two only turned their heads in confusion. Felix,who was holding Seungmin,smiled weakly.
"He's so little,almost like a new born,no wait,he's a new born." Changbin explained,as Felix hushed Seungmin.
"Chan." the younger aussie called,as Seungmin's whines turned to sobbing. Chan came from the kitchen,taking the little out of Felix's arms.
"Shh,baby.." Chan hushed and rocked Seungmin.
"See? That's how little he's. Almost like a new born." Jisung said,smiling softly.
"He's wet again isn't he?" Changbin asked Chan,who nodded qiuckly.
"Yes,,wait,again?" Chan asked,as Felix nodded.
"We changed him a couple of minutes ago,he's so soggy.." Felix said,and Chan pouted softly.
"Is he that little?" Minho asked,as Hyunjin nodded.
"Yes bubba. He's that little." Hyunjin said,as Minho and Jeongin stared at the crying little.
"Why is he so little?" asked Jeongin,who just stared at Chan who hushed at Seungmin,while changing him.
"He's so stressed baby." Hyunjin said,and Jeongin nodded.
"Why? Why is he so stressed?" Minho asked,and this time,there was no ansewr.
"I,,don't know..Chan,Felix or Changbin? Do you know why he is so stressed?" Hyunjin asked. Felix and Changbin shook their heads.
"Chan,do you?" Felix asked,as Chan was finnished to changing Seungmin
"Hm,know what?" Chan asked.
"Why he's so stressed?" Hyunjin asked,Chan softly shaking his head.
"Wait,I maybe know.." Chan said.
"He misses Woojin so much. They were so close. Did you see how much he cried when he left? This' just exhausting for him. The practise,everything. He feels so bruden and useless. I once woke up to him crying. I asked what was wrong,and he only blappered something. "I'm so bruden for all of you. I shoudn't be in the gruop." I heard something like that. He cries so much. So,so much. He has headaches constatly,feels very anxious. That's why he's so attached to me." Chan explained,as the members listened closely.
"That's why." Chan said,bouncing Seungmin in his arms.
"Oh,," Minho said,looking down.
"But,don't worry. He's all healthy. Just a bit stressed." Chan finnished himself.
           Minho was bored as heck. Watching Seungmin play with the other caregivers,it made him jealous. And bored. He felt like nobody cared about him.
"Minho,wanna pwlay wit' Innie?" Jeongin asked softly. Minho agreed,and the two played toghter.
"Wait here baby.." Felix said,as he left Seungmin alone.
"Ama.." the younger whined after Felix. Minho glared at Jeongin,and crawled to Seungmin.
"Hey Minnie.." Minho said,and Seungmin turned around.
"Don't tell anybody,okay?" Minho asked,as Seungmin just nodded. Minho took Seungmin's pacifier,again. Seungmin only whined,as Minho held it up. It was very high,way too high for the new born little to reach.
  This happened almost everyday for a month,until Seungmin had enough.
"What is it? Can't you reach it?" Minho teased.
"Give it." Seungmin said softly. Minho flinched at the voice the younger had.
"Did I slutter? Can you give it back?" Seungmin asked,he wasn't little anymore. He took the pacifier out of Minhos hands,leaving the older confused.
"I've had it. I'm telling Felix." Seungmin said,and got up. Man,Minho was in truoble.
"No no,Minnie,wait!" Minho yelled after Seungmin,who just sticked his tounge for Minho,and placed the pacifier back to his mouth.
"Ama.." Seungmin whined,and pulled Felix by his arm. He had to act little.
"Yes baby?" Felix asked,kneeling to Seungmin's level.
"Minho mean.." Seungmin mufled across his soother.
"Is that mean hoe-"
"Changbin." Felix warned the older.
"Yes,how is he being mean baby?" Felix asked,and Seungmin's eyes filled with tears. No words came out.
"I've seen stuff. Minho takes his pacifier and makes it impossible for him to reach." Changbin explained,and Felix shook his head.
"Okay,that's kinda mean.." Felix said,and Seungmin bursted into tears.
"I'mma go teach him a leason.." Changbin said,and left the room.

shitty and messed up storyline,my type lol :)) 613 words holy heCK-

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