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It was the day. Stray Kids had just depuited,and the members were in joy. Expect for a one. He was sitting in his room,quietly sucking to a pacifier he got from his mother before he left. It was Seungmin. He didn't want anyone to know. He was a little. Only the members of Twice knew it,since Seungmin had told them. Maybe he's also gonna tell to Day6,his idols. Chan has always looked after the younger,for "some odd reason".
"Does anyone know where Seungmin is?" Woojin asked,and everyone else shrugged
"No.." Chan said,shaking his head.
"Daddy,you know whe'e Minnie?" little Jeongin asked. Hyunjin shook his head,and Jisung looked at Minho,who just shook his head.
"Chan,can you go look after him?" Felix asked,and Chan nodded.
"Sure thing.." the older replaied,and left to look for Seungmin. Chan looked at every room,not finding him. Until,it was only his room left. He softly opened the door,and Seungmin tried to hide.
"Minnie,I know that you're there. C'mon baby,don't be afraid." the older spoke softly,and Seungmin's eyes filled with tears. He sniffled,and Chan looked after the soft and tiny voice.
"Minnie,there you're. Don't scare us like that-oh,hey,is something wrong?" Chan asked,as he noticed how Seungmin was curled up in a ball.
"Baby?" Chan asked softly,and patted Seungmin's head.
"Gwo away.." Seungmin whispered,and Chan just came closer.
"Why would I go away baby?" Chan asked,and Seungmin only shook his head.
"You don' wike Minnie aftew thihs.." the younger mutred,and Chan lifted his head softly up,revealing the younger. Seungmin's soft red cheeks,his big puppy eyes and his babyblue pacifier. Chan cooed at the younger softly.
"Why didn't you tell me baby? That you're little?" Chan asked quietly.
"Minnie scared. Nwo one woulwd lwike mwe aftew this.." the little softly spoke. Chan pulled him to his lap.
"Baby,do you have a caregiver?" Chan asked,and Seungmin shook his head.
"Nwo,bu' I wanna.." the little mufled behind his pacifier,and the older just smiled.
"How about.." the older whispered "I became your caregiver,or appa Minnie,baby?" Chan finnished himself,and Seungmin looked at his hyung with teary eyes
"Yesh,yesh,yesh!!" the little happily shouted,and clinged into his new caregiver more.
"Well,how about we go look at the others?" Chan asked,and Seungmin softly nodded.
"How old are you baby?" Chan asked,and Seungmin looked at him.
"Non-verbal I guess. Wait,can you slip into a new born's headscape?" Chan asked,and Seungmin softly nodded. Chan patted his new little's bottom softly,and remembered.
"You're very you've diapers Minnie?" Chan asked,and the little softly nodded. Chan cooed,and changed the younger.
      "Chan what took you so- AWWW!" Felix shouted,as Chan and Seungmin entered the room.
"Is Minnie witta?" Jeongin asked,and Chan nodded.
"But he's very little,you need to be careful with him Innie." Hyunjin spoke at his little,who just nodded in agreement.
"Woo? Can you come here?" Chan asked,and Woojin came from the kitchen.
"What Channie?" Woojin asked,and Chan tapped Seungmin shoulder,and the little turned his head. Woojin melted at the view,and took Seungmin from Chan
"Hello baby.." Woojin cooed,and smiled to the little in his arms.

nibba,this looks so rushed,but who cares :)) i tried my best,remember. it's 2 am anyways. i can't really sleep. it's been a while since i was little myself,so i've been so stressed lately.
i know,y'all can hate me now,cause i'm a disgausting little : D i told my another mom and she was literally so suportive. i'm scared about the other one.

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