~Chapter 3~

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_Jeff's p.o.v_

I woke up from the repeating nightmare of my past...I looked down to see (Y/n) uncomfortably sleeping on the floor,cuddling herself. I sighed and picked her up,laying her on my bed.She looks so cute when asleep,she's so small,she's like a hamster...Wait!What?! I'm not crushing on her....am i? Fuck fuck fuck...I need Ben....I rushed to his room and banged on the door "Bro! Bro!" I yelled,a sleepy Ben opened the door and growled at me "Its 3 am...what do you want...."He murmured,I grabbed his hand and ran to our hiding place. "Ben,I think i have a crush on (Y/n)." "WHAT?!" He exclaimed happily,clapping his hands in joy. "Ben! Its not funny! You know I can't deal with Lovey Dovey stuff!" I growled,unsure what i needed to do. "Go with the flow bro" He replied,winking at me. "Thanks..."I thanked him and walked back to my room,It was already 5 am,so i just sat beside the bed and watch (Y/n) sleep.

_(Y/n)'s p.o.v_

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Jeff staring at me with his blue shiny eyes, "Morning (Y/n)" He said,while smiling at me,I chuckled at his cute smile and replied "Morning Jeff, Whatcha doing staring at me?" I then started teasing,Jeff blushed and chuckled nervously. "N-Nothing! Don't worry about it! C'mon now,Lets get breakfast!" He replied shyly and grabbed my hand as he ran down to the dinning room to meet with the other creepypastas,Jane and Nina were glaring at me while Toby and Ben smiled at us. "What's wrong with you two idiots?" Jeff spoke up,glaring back at the two girls,Jane rolled her eyes and Nina growled at me before looking down,embarrassed that her crush just glared at her.I chuckled and gave a little smile to Jeff before sitting down next to Ben whose sitting next to Clockwork.Jeff sat down next to me as Slender gave each of us a plate of spaghetti.Everyone was silently eating their food when Ben started a food fight,he threw his meatball at Jeff's white hoodie. "HA!"Ben laughed as Jeff sighed and wiped the smushed meatball off his hoodie,I giggled at his unhappy face,he looked so adorable! Jeff then drew out his knife and attacked Ben, "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR RUINING MY BEAUTIFUL HOODIE!"Jeff yelled,Ben flinched and would attack back,creating a serious fight.Some hid behind the nearest thing they could find and some cheered on,as I was about to stop their seemingly endless fight,Nina grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me to the side.She leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Look,you probably heard of my story...so stay away from My Jeff or you'll get what you deserve..." She'd then glare at me with her small eyes. I chuckled coldly and put my hand on her shoulder, "We'll see about that,sweetie."I then gave her a little grin and walked away,she stomped her feet and growled at me,clearly growing hatred of me,but lucky for me,I've dealt with much more than simple hate and jealousy...Jeff and Ben stopped fighting with Slender's help.Slender then signaled me to follow him into his office,his office is amazingly tidy... "(Y/n)?"Slender spoke,I immediately shot my head up to look at him, "Yes Slender?"I replied,looking at where his eyes are supposed to be. "I will assign Jeff to tutor you to become a proxy, you will have training everyday, got it?" Slender spoke again,i nodded and smiled, "Thank you!" I then bolted out of his office and went into Jeff's room.
Jeff wasn't in his room so i took out my phone and checked my social media accounts,while i was scrolling, a news article caught my attention. 'Murder Case: A Couple found dead at a house,with their daughter missing'I kept reading, 'It is believed that the infamous Jeff the Killer murdered them,we are still trying to locate where (Y/n) (L/n) is' Huh...Locate me? Its quite easy to be honest...I then looked at my messages,my best friend Dexter texted me a bunch of times...I simply send him a 'I'm fine,don't worry' and smiled, "What are you smiling at? You look like you just saw your love or your life." I looked up with shock,throwing my phone at him.He swiftly caught it and chuckled, "Wow wow wow,getting violent are we?" He teased with his little smirk.I rolled my eyes playfully and took back my phone,putting it beside me. "You should knock before you come in!" I said crossing my arms,he immediately smirked and replied, "Its my room,besides,you should really get some rest. Your training starts tomorrow." I smiled as i got my little blanket and drifted off to sleep.

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So!(Y/n)'s training is starting! Hope you are enjoying the book UwU

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