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Andrew woke up the next morning to see his dog Grace over his head drooling on him. So it wasn't Lane's sweat all over him from there little "study date"

"Hey Grace you know you ruined my dream last night!"

Andrew said rubbing Grace's ears. Grace barked and trotted down the hallway, he could hear her fumble over her sloppy feet. Andrew got up and went to his closet opened it up and found the tightest T-shirt he could find to show off his own abs. Andrew had worked out all winter and spring and summer and fall to get muscles like these for swimming and for hopes that Lane would fall in love with him.

"Andrew get up sweetie you're gonna miss your breakfast!"

He heard his mom from the kitchen. He clambered down the stairs and came up short when he saw an art club form for the rest of the year. Uh oh this can't be good, he thought. His mom had a thing for arts painting, sculpting, you name it.

"Hey honey." His mom said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi mom."

"Here take some eggs on the way in your car because you're late."

"Ok." He already saw that the form was
filled out with his name and address.
Well then I guess I'm going to an art club. He opened the door with one free hand to his SUV or his mom's SUV. He got in and turned the radio up on high and listened to his favorite type of music, country. As he was at the stop sign for the end of the neighborhood he saw Adam Ursol in the car next to him. He made sure he would see him.

"Hey Adam."

"Oh.. hey, Andrew nice weather huh?"

"Yeah nice and hot out, great for swimming."

"Yeah and the girls stripping down." Adam smiled.


"Hey listen I'm having a party on Friday, you wanna come?"


"Okay see you there." Adam waved and drove to school.

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