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Mat held Janelle's hand while her mom talked with the police. Tara had eventually gotten picked up by her dad who thanked Mat for not leaving her stranded without a ride. He had watched them put the medicine in to make her sleep as she was yelling and screaming to just let her go. Let her go. Mat thought he was free of Janelle, but he still felt connected to her as if there was something that could never go away. All of the sudden Janelle's eyelids flicker and her brown eyes open and landed on Mat.
"How long have I been asleep?" She takes her hand out of Mat's and puts it to her forehead.
"Not long," He leans back and puts his head in his hands. Janelle's mom rushes over and fusses over Janelle as the doctors check on her. The doctors eventually make her mom leave so they can get their work done.
"Mr. Vanders, she seems in stable condition." One of the nurses say. He nods and whispers quietly to the nurse next to him. Mat can only lean in and catch a few words.
"Rape... Mother... Probably 30 years older... 16... Lane Margtie."
"What!?" Mat stands up so quickly the chair is knocked out from under him. Doctor Vanders looks just as shocked and instantly tells Mat to sit down.
"Please sit down sir." The nurses struggle to make him sit as he asks questions and charges at Doctor Vanders. He leaves the room and then comes back with Janelle's status reports and leaves just as quickly as he was there. At the doorway though he stops and turns to Mat.
"It was a girl who went missing, we think she was raped by an older man named Daniel Ricio, her mother's ex husband." That was all Mat had to hear.

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