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Andrew knew he should've tried harder with Mat, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew he had promised Janelle, but Mat was also his best friend. He couldn't betray him. When he was driving home he saw Margie walking home with Jayden and Tara. They laughed as he drove by them and stopped at the stop sign. As soon as they caught up with him they started waving and yelling his name.
"Andrew!" Jayden shrieked.
"Andrew!" Tara followed her chorus. Margie just stared at him like he was an exhibit in a museum.
"Uh hey guys," He lifted up his hand to wave. "Would you like a ride?"
"Yes!" Jayden and Tara squealed. Margie stood silently beside them.
"Shotgun!" Tara shrieked as she ran for the car.
"No fair!" Jayden pouted. "Margie you coming?" Margie looked at her shoes and pulled out her phone.
"Sorry guys, my dad is getting me." Something flashed in her eyes, it was gone before Andrew could even figure out what she was thinking.
"Aw, okay Margs. Text you later!" Tara waved out the window and smiled. Andrew hit the gas and they shot forward. Jayden shrieked and grabbed onto Andrew's seat.
"Faster!" She squealed. Tara laughed loudly and looked back at Jayden quickly. They both laughed harder and Andrew went faster. The car jerked forward and Jayden's hands came up around Andrew's chest. She lowered her hands and Andrew turned around and looked at her.
"What are you doing?" He said leaning away from her. Jayden got a pouty look on her face.
"Um, duh, you were going fast and I needed something to hold on to." She smiled seductively.
"Get out," Andrew pointed at the door. Jayden's face went to a look of seductiveness to surprise.
"What," Her mouth dropped to her lap.
"Get. Out."
"Only one person can touch me like that." Jayden's eyebrows knitted together.
"Both of you just get out." He grabbed their stuff and threw it out. He got a bunch of insults thrown his way, but he didn't care. Margie, Elena, whatever her name was, he needed her. He wanted her. More than anyone, he plunged on the gas and headed down the road Margie's dad just took her on, not looking back.

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