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"Do you even want to go to the party?" Rob asked.
"I don't care as long as I'm with you."
"We could go back to my place, parents don't live with me."
"Really? That's cool."
"So you want to go there?" He smiled.
He sat himself up and grabbed the steering wheel and turned it around in the direction of his house. They passed house after house until finally they came to an apartment building about two stories high and worn down. He smiled in her direction and cut the engine.
"You like my building?" He grinned.
"Very, original."
"C'mon let's go." He was standing in front of her holding his hand out to catch her. She flopped down and crashed against him. He caught her under one arm, and held her there, twirling with a piece of her hair. He led her down a hallway that smelled of cats and opened a door on the left marked 1242. He took out his keys and opened his door with a swing and turned on the lights. The room had navy blue walls and a red couch, a flat screen TV, a Xbox, posters of Alice Cooper, and very bachelor pad decor.
"This is this place." He said swinging himself into a wheelie chair next to a desk with a computer screen glowing softly. She walked across the room and touched the poster of Alice Cooper.
"Alice Cooper, huh." She smiled. "What's next KISS?"
"Funny, I've never met a girl who knows who Alice Cooper is." He said slouching in his chair.
"Well now you do." She smiled. She walked across the room and sat on his lap, cradling her legs on his. His hands came up protectively around her side making sure she didn't fall. They sat like that for a couple minutes when he asked.
"Have you ever thought about your future?"
"Not really I like to live in the moment."
"I have." He said sadly. "I always thought I would meet a girl who was amazing, and then she would break my heart."
"What kinds of girls do you think about?" She said putting her head on his shoulder.
"Girls like you."
"I won't break your heart, if anything it will be you who breaks mine."
"I don't know, you seem way out of my league."
"Rob." She gazed at him, her lips parted.
"Just kiss me already." He cupped his hands around her face and brought her face to his. She flipped around and was now sitting over his body. His hands traveling up her legs. He was so gentle. Anna didn't feel him lift her up and carry her to the bed in the next room. He was sitting over her, his fingers raking her hair. She pushed against him closing any barriers between them. He was still gentle, but things had gotten fiercer and deeper. Anna pulled his shirt down and he came closer, he groaned low in his throat and kissed her harder.
"Do you want to?" She said in between kisses.
"There's nothing I would want more." He said pulling away. "But I couldn't afford to do that to you,"
"Why?" She said sadly. "Maybe I want too."
"Anna, I love you." She froze, she never thought he would be the one to say it first. She knotted her fist into his shirt and pulled him harder against her. He groaned again, and she sighed as he kissed her neck and her shoulder. She started to fumble for his pants buckle, but he held her wrist and looked at her with sad eyes.
"Anna." He traced her cheek bones with his fingers. "Not now." He kissed her lightly.
"I love you."

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