Chapter 3: Should We Trust Them?

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(Dottie's POV)

As we ran away from the purple marked thug, we stopped running so we could catch our breath. Aphmau looked at Laurence, Lucinda, and me.

"Hey, thanks for saving us back there." Said Aphmau.

"My pleasure." Said Laurence.

"No biggie." Lucinda said.

"Eh, no problem." I said.

Aphmau looked at us with concern.

"You guys hungry? You guys can come back to our place. I'll get you guys something to eat. It's the least I can do." Said Aphmau.

Melissa looked at Lucinda.

"You sure we should trust this other Aphmau? We know nothing about her." Melissa said.

Lucinda sighed.

"We have to trust her. Sure, she may look and sound exactly like the one we know but we need to find a place to stay." Lucinda explained.

Me and Maria agreed with Lucinda. So did Melissa. We then looked at Aphmau.

"That's a kind offer we would appreciate very much. We just need some grounding right now." Lucinda said.

I then saw Tommy glaring at us. I don't know why, but I feel like he doesn't like me. Then Aphmau walked over to Tommy and the two started talking for a little bit. I looked at Lucinda.

"I guess your multiverse theory was true after all..." I said.

"I assume so." Lucinda said.

"Duh no kidding. I thought there was only one alternate universe, but who knows how many there are." Melissa said.

As Aphmau stopped talking to Tommy, she walked over to us.

"I'm so sorry about that. If you'd like to come with us, please do. I'd like to repay you with a meal for saving us from that monster." Aphmau said.

"I would be honored, as long as I can get some answers." Said Laurence.

"Right. This way." Aphmau said.

We then started to follow Aphmau. Laurence followed us as well. I'm positive that if I can get this version of Aphmau to trust me and my friends, I might be able to get the answers I need.

~~1 Hour and 20 Minutes Later...~~

Some time has passed and we got to Aphmau's house. It was a small cottage. The walls were yellow and purple. Laurence's sword was outside. My staff and Lucinda's staff were in our pockets. Me, Melissa, Lucinda, and Maria sat on the couch. Laurence sat on the couch too. So did Aphmau.

Laurence then explained that he was "Laurence Of Meteli" or rather Phoenix Drop. He said he was a guard of Lady Aphmau. They had just ended the war with Scaleswind and that he was tasked with keeping the amulet Lady Aphmau entrusted him to keep safe. But something happened to him because he must've fainted or passed out because when he came to, he woke up in this world. Amulet gone and here he was.

We then explained to Aphmau and Laurence about the Aphmau that we know and how she's a werewolf and all the drama that we went through back at the lodge and what happened on Starlight Wonderland. Laurence was able to understand that my world was a fluent mix of fantasy and modern day culture.

Aphmau has no idea what we meant. Tommy then heard us and said stuff about a man named Modzilla. He said that Modzilla kept a book about another dimension that might have an alternate version of Aphmau.

~~2 Minutes Later...~~

A little bit of chatter later and then Laurence spoke up.

"I need to get back. I'm sorry." Said Laurence.

He runs out the door.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.

Me, Melissa, Lucinda, and Maria follow Laurence. Aphmau follows as well. Why is he running? Does he want to go back that desperately? I wasn't very sure but I need to know if he either wants to stay her until we can figure out a way to take him home or if he wants to go back home now.

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