Chapter 24: Laurence And Aphmau

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(Lucinda's POV)

We decided to stay in this one hotel nearby. Tommy was sleeping and so was Dottie, Maria, and Melissa. But I noticed that the void burns on Melissa's arm covered her entire forearm. I was very concerned about her. Even though... I love her.

I saw Laurence and Aphmau talking.

"How is your wound?" Laurence asked Aphmau.

"Not possessing me. Thankfully." Aphmau said.

I cracked up a smile.

"How are you hanging in there?" Aphmau asked.

"I'm... tired. Not physically but I guess I haven't got much sleep since I've found myself here." Laurence said.

He was right. I've hardly gotten any sleep since those void burns dragged me into this world. And I guess the only way I can go back is if I kill the void.

"That's understandable." Said Aphmau.

"This whole experience has really thrown me into a catastrophe. A crazy chain of events. An endless cycle of drama..." I thought.

I hope to wonder if Laurence's world is okay. And this other Aphmau. Laurence's Aphmau. The one from his realm. I hope I get to meet her someday.

But hey, soon, I'll be back home in my realm, with the Aphmau I know. The werewolf Aphmau.

As Laurence and Aphmau talked, I reminded me of the good old days. The ones where there wasn't drama around every corner.

I miss those days. But what happened to me... at the Lodge... Ein... all of it... the pain... the guilt... the sadness... it never goes away...

But karma just happens to come back at me, all the time. At least I'm getting used to it though...

I was afraid that the void might possess Aphmau and Melissa again.

But Dottie's staff isn't working properly so I basically have to wait until it starts to operate again.

Aphmau and Laurence finished talking and went to bed. I also went to bed too.

"I'll fix you Melissa. I promise. I'll get you back to your little brother in no time..." I thought as I got into bed and fell asleep.

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