Chapter 17: The Multiverse Explained

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(Lucinda's POV)

It's been awhile since we got out of the basement of the house. Now we have this guy named Modzilla with us, and I think he might have information about this multiverse thing.

We introduced ourselves to Modzilla and then Modzilla said stuff about stable worlds and stuff. He then said stuff about an alternate Polly and some other stuff about a hero and his alter, and that the purple void continued to spread wherever the alter stood.

It wasn't long until Melissa spoke up. She said that this lady named Irene created the void on accident. I wanted to know how she knows that information and she said she saw it in the dreamscape and that a voice was calling out to her.

The voice showed her the past. Showed her how the void was created. Showed her how the void appeared to Irene. The voice also showed her how Irene stopped the void. Melissa also said that the voice told her that the void somehow must've came back and that it's up to us to stop it.

She then said that Irene created the multiverse. So I'm guessing that this Irene person created multiple worlds. Melissa also said that the void needs a host for it to talk to people.

~~15 Minutes Later...~~

Some time has passed and then Modzilla started to talk about the multiverse and the void. He had a whiteboard with multiple circles on it.

"Okay so, let's pretend that this is our dimension." Said Modzilla as he pointed to the whiteboard.

"Hmm..." I said.

"The dimensional universe consists of all of these individual dimensions just like ours." Modzilla said.

The then started drawing black swirls on the whiteboard, which were getting close to the other worlds.

"And this is the dimensional universe about to be swallowed whole by an all consuming dark void. You'll see that my home has already been... compromised. From what I can tell, this has all been caused by some kind of temporal shift happening somewhere out there in the dimensional universe. You see, the void is not some kind of spectral entity that craves complete and utter destruction, it's simply a clinical force, here to correct the imbalance or anything that might be in it's path to it." Modzilla explained.

Then Modzilla covered the entire whiteboard with black marker.

"By using complete and utter destruction, there by resetting the universe back to it's primal state. Nothing." Said Modzilla.

All of our eyes widened.

"Are you trying to tell me that this thing is going to reset the entire multiverse?!?!" I exclaimed.

"I think so." Said Modzilla.

"Oh no... if this thing resets the multiverse, then we won't have a future to look at." Said Dottie.

"She's right. We need to stop this void thing." Maria said.

"But how?" Melissa asked.

"Well, according to my research, it says that witch magic, magic from a witches staff, and ice magic, combined into one, can permanently stop the void from resetting the universe. But there was one more piece of magic that I can't remember." Modzilla said.

Modzilla then began to look at his reaserch. He groaned.

"Ugh. Demon magic..." Said Modzilla.

"Wait. I have demon magic in my staff." Said Dottie.

~~5 Minutes Later...~~

After Dottie and Modzilla talked, Polly and Modzilla began to argue a little. It wasn't until Aphmau, Laurence, and Tommy joined the conversation.

Modzilla then said stuff about going to Aphmau's home to find and trace of this "inverse" thing. Laurence, Melissa, Dottie, and I are coming with Modzilla and Aphmau.

~~12 Minutes Later...~~

We began to walk throughout the forest back to Aphmau's house. Laurence then began to question Modzilla about the inverse.

"Don't be fooled if it takes an appearance close to yours. It can't speak, much less feel. I believe inverses are manifestations if the void itself. And they maintain all of their powers such as... teleportation." Said Modzilla.

After they talked for a little bit, it wasn't long until we saw Aphmau's house on fire. I was wondering who started a house fire. When we were running over to the flaming house, I could sense that something bad is coming...

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