Chapter 33: Fixing Irene's Mistakes

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(Lucinda's POV)

As the light faded, I found myself in a really weird place. Everything was grey and there were little green bushes at some points. Plus there were towering grey buildings all around. I saw Aphmau and she awoke.

"You're awake!" Said Tommy.

"I'm... awake?" Aphmau asked.

She checked her surroundings and she stood up.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"A better question would be where you're not." Polly said.

"Huh?" Aphmau questioned.

"We're everywhere at the moment." I said.

"She means we're in a rift between dimensions. We're everywhere. We can go everywhere anywhere we want." Said Laila.

We're outside the multiverse. I guess this means one of these towering grey buildings is a gateway to home.

"Well... if we can find where we want." Said Dottie.

"A rift... wait. Where's Monty? Laurence? And Melissa?" Aphmau asked.

"They're back on your world." Said Maria as her ears and tail twitched.

"Modzilla told us to go. It's up to us to stop the void for good." Said Laila.

"And Laurence and Melissa?" Aphmau asked.

"With any luck, he's probably beating the crap out of the possessed Melissa." Polly said.

"Yeah." Said Laila.

Aphmau looked back.

"So... we're stuck here now?" She asked.

"I guess." I said.

"You guess right." Said a voice who sounded like She-Venom.

It was the possessed Melissa. As I looked up, purple cracks grew and opened up, throwing Melissa, Laurence, and Modzilla into this place.

They hit the ground and Melissa backed up as she reached the floor.

"How did you get here?!" I panicked.

"World hopping." Said Melissa.

She was ready to fight but I looked to Dottie.

"Dottie, we have to use our magic to remove the alter from Melissa." I said.

"Okay." Said Dottie.

"But doing this spell will cause the alter to go into Laurence's body and he will be sent back to his dimension and his memory will be wiped. He won't have any memory of being in this dimension." I explained.

"Understandable." Said Dottie.

As everyone stood behind us, me and Dottie readied our staffs and magic glowed from our hands.

As Melissa charged at us, I used my magic on her and it hit her chest, a golden and orange aura glowed from Melissa. Then Dottie hit her with her ice magic and then Dottie and I both used the magic of our staffs to hit Melissa.

Melissa's possessed form then shifted back into her regular form. Void Laurence was removed from Melissa and then he went into Laurence's body and then Laurence disappeared into thin air. He was sent back to his world.

After that happened, me and Dottie casted a spell to permanently stop the void forever. As we finished making the spell, the void disappeared. The multiverse was saved. Everything was normal.

Melissa was confused for a moment but we told her what has happened.

"We stopped the void." Melissa said in her normal voice.

"Yep. We sure did." I said.

We fixed Irene's mistakes.

She and I share a kiss and then me and Dottie used a spell to remove the void burns on Melissa. Her skin was back to normal. No more purple void burns on her skin.

We did the same thing to Aphmau and then we all said our goodbyes to them.

As me, Dottie, Melissa, and Maria walked away, I used my staff to find the location to home. It wasn't very far. It was on the left.

We saw a grey building that towered over us. As we got close to it, Dottie reached her hand out to the wall and her hand went through the wall.

She looked back at me.

"See you back at home." She said.

Dottie and Maria walked through the wall. Then me and Melissa did the same. We were on our way back home.

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