Chapter 15: What Was That?

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(Maria's POV)

I started to wonder if Lucinda, Dottie, Aphmau, and Laurence will make it back. I just hope they found Modzilla in time. I then saw the others rushing through the portal.

A man who looked a lot like Tommy was with them. He then smashed the operation thing that works the portal. The portal then closed.

"You idiot! What do you think you're doing?!" Polly exclaimed.

"Idiot? Me? Are you actually kidding me right now???" The man questioned in an irritated tone.

"Yes! You just got here and you're already burning Pollys equipment!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up! For the love of science, shut up!" The man yelled.

Polly and the man began to argue. Lucinda just told me that this man's name is Modzilla. Things began to turn into an argument but it wasn't until Aphmau said 'Monty'. I'm guessing "Monty" is Modzilla's real name.

"Monty, what's going on?" Aphmau asked.

"The void, it can find it's way to other worlds through dimensional portals. If I didn't close it then..." Modzilla says.

Melissa's eyes widened.

"What is that?!?!" She shrieked.

Me and the others turn around to see a purple void spreading from the portal. Even though, it was shut off, the void managed to make its way into this world.

The void began to grow bigger, consuming the portal machine thing.

"W-what??" Polly questioned.

"What is that??" Lucinda asked with concern.

"What did you—?" Dottie questions but I cut her off.

"It's the void!! It's going to consume this room if we don't escape this room right now!" I exclaimed.

"Everyone! Get outside the room! Now!" Polly exclaimed.

Me, Melissa, Dottie, Lucinda, Tommy, and Laurence follow Polly up the stairs.

"Laila! Activate the fail safe!" Polly yelled as she was going up the stairs.

Me all escaped the room. So did Aphmau and Modzilla. As they made it out, Laila managed to shut the door. I sighed with relief.

"Way to close..." I said.

"W-what... was that??" Dottie questioned, still shaking from what just happened with the void.

"I don't know." I said.

"What is going on???" Lucinda asked.

Melissa gave her a hug.

"Lucinda, I truly have no idea what this all means." I said.

Aphmau, Modzilla, and Polly began to chat and then they decided to talk about what that purple sludge was. It's time we finally get the answers that we need.

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