Chapter 21: Jayden

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(Melissa's POV)

I couldn't tell what was happening around me. Last thing that I remember was getting attacked by Void Laurence and passing out and meeting a mysterious stranger. I start to dream.


I open my eyes to find myself in the dark room again but something was different. There were dark purple cracks on the left side of the wall. I don't know how they got there, but I had a feeling that it's not a good sign.

"Hurry! You must see what's happening to you and Aphmau right now!" Said the voice who sounded like my mother.

"What? What do you mean???" I asked.

White light glows from above my head and it shifts into the same orb from before. It shows a live feed from my perspective on what's happening. I'm running with Aphmau in the forest, but for some reason her eyes were pink. Not caramel orange. And I'm assuming mine were pink too.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You're being possessed by the void." The voice warned me.

Oh no...

As I continued to watch the feed, she and I stopped running and we encountered the man from earlier with the blue eyes and the battle axe.

"So we meet again." He said.

Me and Aphmau searched our surroundings and picked up rocks and held them in our hands.

"Those eyes..." Said the man.

Me and Aphmau then charged at the man as we tried to hit him with the rocks.

"Rah!" I yelled. But my voice was different. Instead of my normal voice, it was more... distorted. I sounded like She-Venom from the movie Venom.

As me and Aphmau missed our attack, the man then knocked out Aphmau and then made eye contact with me.

"Your body isn't suited for combat." He said.

He then knocked me out and then the feed went black.

"Wait!" I yelled.

~~Dream Ends~~

I wake up from my sleep to find myself underwater. I immediately get out.

"Gha!" I exclaimed in my normal voice.

I then realized I was soaked in water. My clothes were soaked. Aphmau was next to me as she gasped for air as she got out of the water.

"There we go. Took you long enough to wake up." Said someone.

It was the blue eyed man from earlier.

"You're... you're the guy..." Aphmau said.

"The guy with the fire and the axe!" I said, finishing up Aphmau's sentence.

I had an irritated face now.

"You... you hurt us!" I exclaimed.

"Saved you. Now will you promise not to attack me again?" The man asked.

I then had a confused look.

"What happened?" Aphmau asked.

"What did you do to us?" I asked.

"I haven't harmed you in any way, though I can't say you wouldn't have done that to me." The man said.

"Huh?" I asked.

I noticed the void burns on my hand. They covered my entire hand and they've stopped at my wrist the last time I saw them. But now, it looks like they've grown a little. They've now covered half of my forearm. I was scared and confused at the same time.

The pain was unbearable and I couldn't stand it.

"My... arm." Said Aphmau.

"Looks like it's not recovering." Said the man.

"It's burned! What did you—" Aphmau says but the man interrupts.

"Calm down." He said.

"You did this to us!" I said.

I took a few steps closer but that only convinced the man to raise his voice at me.

"I said calm down." He said.

Aphmau got angry but then the man knocked both of us out.

~~5 Minutes Later...~~

As I woke up, I found myself and Aphmau tied to the same tree.

"What the hel— COME ON!!" I complained.

Aphmau and the man talked and convinced him to untie us. It wasn't long until the man said stuff about how water is a source of healing in his realm.

Some talking as passed and then me and Aphmau then walked away from the man. I told Aphmau to wait because I needed to find the path to the village. We bumped into the man again and he told us where to go to find the village. I then asked him about his name.

"Jayden." He said.

Jayden... Hmm... I like that... Jayden...

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