Chapter 12: Activating The Portal

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(Maria's POV)

I saw Laurence standing next to Melissa. I then squinted to see Melissa slowly opening her eyes. She's been out for about a few hours now and I'm starting to wonder if they're ever gonna get this portal thing done soon. They need to activate it so that we can get Modzilla back in this world.

"Are you okay Melissa?" Laurence asked her.

"Huh? Um... yeah. Just... had a really weird dream..." Melissa said.

Melissa notices me looking at her.

"Maria? What's going on?" She asked me.

"Polly and Tommy are working on a portal to bring back this Modzilla guy. Plus you've been out for 10 hours. Also that's how long they've been working on the portal." I explained.

"Okay. So it's like... 7 P.M. right now?" I asked.

"Yep." I replied.

Laurence and Aphmau talked for a little bit. Then Polly said that it's complete.

"Finally!" Tommy said.

They looked at us.

"How many days has it been?" Tommy asked.

"It's been like 10 hours Tommy." Said Lucinda.

"Really Lucinda? It felt much longer to me." Dottie said.

"I can tell a werewolf like you hasn't been in science class much." Said Polly.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't get the chance to take science classes during high school." Dottie said.

"Understandable." I said.

Polly then said that with the activation of this portal, she will be the first scientist to successfully open a dimension.

Tommy then said that Modzilla left this dimension and never returned. Polly said that Modzilla never documented his discoveries. So while we know what he accomplished, the whole world doesn't.

"Pardon me, it sounds like you are indeed proud of your accomplishments, but your talking is delaying our time." Said Laurence.

"Look boy, if you want me to activate this portal, you best be letting me have my monologue." Said Polly.

Polly then pushed the button and Laila came into the room.

"Good evening. I brought some refreshments so—" Said Laila but she notices Polly with the button.

"W-what in the name of Cosmos is going on?!" Laila exclaimed.

Polly notices. Laila was disappointed that Polly activates the portal without her. Laila then began crying and she ran out of the room.

"Laila wait! I wasn't thinking I-.." Polly exclaimed.

It was too late. She made Laila sad. She then complained about herself sleeping on the couch again.

Tommy said that Polly doesn't sound like a very thoughtful partner but Polly said that she can make up for it later.

I looked at the portal. A completely different world was waiting for us on the other side. But for some reason it looks so... grey and... dark.

"That looks incredibly dangerous." Tommy said with worry.

"For once Tommy, I agree with you." I said.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but we need to get Modzilla back here safely." Said Polly.

Polly then said that she has safety precautions incase of disaster. And that Laurence, Aphmau, Dottie, and Lucinda are gonna he going into this other world.

Melissa stood up.

"Lucy, I'm going with you." She said.

"Melissa, no." Lucinda said.

"Excuse me, I survived getting shot with bullets, got thrown into the world of Deimos, and fought the demon warlock's daughter who's name is Lady Bish. So... you know..." Melissa explained.

"Yeah but this is different Melissa. I don't want you to be in any more danger. You've been through enough drama already." Lucinda explained.

Melissa sighed.

"Guess you're right." Said Melissa.

Laurence and Aphmau walked through the portal. Dottie did the same thing but stopped only to look back at Lucinda.

"See you on the other side." Dottie said.

She went through the portal. Lucinda did the same.

"They'll be back. I'm sure." I said to Melissa.

"I hope so too." Said Melissa.

I look at the portal. I narrowed my eyebrows and I now have a worried expression on my face. My ears flopped down as I stared at the portal.

"Lucinda, Dottie, I hope you two know what you're doing..." I thought.

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