Chapter 18: Void Laurence Attacks!

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(Melissa's POV)

I couldn't believe my eyes. Aphmau's house is on fire! Does this mean I have to sleep in Polly and Laila's house? That doesn't matter right now. What matters is trying to put out the flame. As me and the others ran up to the burning house, I saw Aphmau and she looked shocked to see her home going up in flames.

"M-m-my... my house..." Said Aphmau as she stuttered a little.

She walked a little closer to it but Laurence spoke up.

"Stand back. Something's wrong." Said Laurence.

"Well obviously! The house is on fire!!" Modzilla exclaimed.

I looked up in shock. My ears and tail flopped down.

"It's... its..." Dottie said.

I turn around to look at everyone but I then saw a figure appear out of thin air. It was the same shadow Laurence I saw from last night! He runs up and pulls out his silver sword and slashes Modzilla in his back. Modzilla falls to his feet.

Aphmau, Laurence, Lucinda, and Dottie turn around to look at shadow Laurence.

"What?!" Lucinda exclaimed.

"It's here!" Said Laurence as he drew out his green sword.

He charged at Void Laurence and swung his sword at him but all of a sudden, Void Laurence disappeared into thin air.

He then appeared behind Aphmau and he held his sword to her throat. Aphmau began to struggle.

"Get off me!" Aphmau yelled.

Laurence turned around to look at Aphmau.

"Let her go!" He yelled.

Aphmau then bit Void Laurence in his arm. He didn't wince or anything. He didn't even react to the bite.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" I said with determination.

I rushed over to Aphmau.

"Melissa no!" Lucinda exclaimed.

I ran over to them. Void Laurence let Aphmau go, dropping her to her knees. He then grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me about a few centimeters above the ground. I tried to cry out for help, but all I could let out was a strangled cough.

Laurence then saw me and rushed over to me. But that was when Void Laurence pointed his sword at Laurence.

"Grr... fine." Said Laurence.

He dropped his green sword and Void Laurence let got of my throat. Gasping for breath, I saw the green sword laying on the ground.

Void Laurence then shoved Laurence away from him, causing Laurence to get kicked into the air for a brief second and then falling on the ground.

I grabbed the green sword and stabbed Void Laurence with it. Nothing happened. He was immune to swords. I pulled out the sword and I dropped it as Void Laurence made eye contact with me and Aphmau.

"Aphmau! Melissa! Run!!" Modzilla yelled.

Run. He wants me and Aphmau to run as far away as we can from Void Laurence.

Me and Aphmau run away from the evil shadow Laurence and immediately into the forest. We were running but I then began to run out of breath. We saw a big tree.

"We... we can't outrun Void Laurence. We need to hide." I said.

Aphmau nodded her head in approval to me and she and I climbed up the tree and sat on branches. We then saw Void Laurence looking around for us but he couldn't find us.

He then left and then me and Aphmau climbed out of the tree. We then continued to run but we stopped next to a tree. I saw Void Laurence from the left and then disappeared. He then appeared from my right and disappeared again.

"Why... is it coming after me?" Aphmau questioned.

"I don't know." I said.

Void Laurence then appeared in front of us and then began to charge at us. It wasn't long until a man in medieval armor appeared out of nowhere with a battle axe as a weapon. He knocked Void Laurence away from us and stood in front of us, battle axe ready for combat. He looked like he could be in dungeons and dragons.

He had blue eyes and brown hair. Void Laurence got back up on his feet and then the blue eyed man charged at him with the axe. Void Laurence dodged it and then he stabbed Aphmau in her right wrist with his sword. She let out a gasp of pain and fell to the ground.

Void Laurence then glared directly at me as I stood next to Aphmau.

"No... please..." I begged as my ears and tail flopped down.

Void Laurence threw his silver sword into my left hand, pinning me to a tree. I cried out in pain as a little bit of blood leaked out from my hand. I then noticed that void burns were immediately growing on my hand from the wound. I've been infected!! The void burns completely covered my entire hand and stopped growing when they reached my wrist. I fell to the ground and the Void Laurence pulled out his sword from my hand.

The blue eyed man then slashed Void Laurence in the back with his battle axe and then Void Laurence fell to the ground, disappeared, and fire then sprouted out of nowhere from where he once stood.

The man with the battle axe walked over to us and looked down at our faces. I made eye contact with him.

"H... help..." I mumbled.

I could hardly talk because I couldn't stand the pain right now. This must've been how Aaron felt when he got all of those void burns back on Starlight.

The blue eyed man placed his battle axe on the fire slightly and then pulls it away from the fire.

"W-what are you..?" Aphmau asked.

The man looked at us. He took at knee.

"Wh...?" I asked.

"This will hurt... a lot." The man said.

He placed the hot battle axe next to Aphmau's scar. She had some void burns on her too but they didn't cover her entire hand. It only made a circle on her wrist. Aphmau cried out in pain. He then removed the hot axe from her wrist and then he looked at me. He did the same thing to my hand and I screamed out in pain. It hurt so much, it felt like I was getting stung by a hot iron. But at least it stopped the bleeding. He removed the axe from my hand and looked at me.

"Sorry." He said.

I felt a little light headed and then I saw Modzilla, Laurence, Lucinda, and Dottie running over to us. Aphmau passed out and the blue eyed man ran away. Modzilla said that he would get us to medical attention. I suddenly passed out. I hope that they manage to fix this void burn on my hand.

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