Chapter 31: Let's Fight

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(Melissa's POV)

I couldn't do anything. I wasn't in control. The void was taking over my entire body. I hope they get the alter out of me soon. Still unconscious, I begin to dream.


Still frozen and getting consumed by the void, I couldn't do anything but stand still as I reached up into the sky. Desperate for hope. Suddenly, without warning, I broke free from my frozen state.

"There. Got you out." Said the voice who sounded like my mom.

"You freed me?" I asked.

"Yes. There's something you need to see." Said the voice.

White light glows from above my head and then it shifts into a rectangle and shows a live feed of me standing on a rooftop of a house. I'm still being possessed by the void.

Laurence climbed up and he made eye contact with me. I left him silent.

"I'm here." Said Laurence.

I left him silent once again.

"Well... I'm here! Isn't this what you wanted?!" Laurence asked.

"Tsk..." I said as I sounded like She-Venom.

"I'm here. Let's settle this." Said Laurence.

I smirked cruelly and I glared at Laurence.

"I will have Aphmau stop you." I said.

"Planning on having Aphmau stop me? Did you think I was going to try and fail to save Aphmau, while you and everyone else stood by and watched? Well you're wrong. They're trying to save her down there. Everybody cares about Aphmau. And Lucinda cares about Melissa. The woman you're possessing. I might be challenging you, but I am nowhere near alone in this battle." Laurence explained.

I glared at his with disbelief.

"Well... for me to leave Melissa's body, they need to cast a spell to remove me from Melissa, but it will cause me to go into your vessel and take you and me back to your dimension, but your memory will be wiped. You won't remember anything about being in this dimension." I explained.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Said Laurence.

I heard the thunder crackle and I didn't flinch.

"What do you think about that huh? You scared yet?" Laurence asked.

I left him silent. After he demanded an answer, he tried to attack me with his sword. I dodged it and jumped to the other rooftop on the left.

The feedback faded and I tried to wake up.

~~Dream Ends~~

I woke up from my dream but still unable to wake up. The void is taking over me. I hope Dottie and Lucinda fix this.

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