Chapter 5: The Indoor Circus

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(Aaron's POV)

Me, Kim, Ghost, Garroth, Zane, Daniel, and Rylan went to Lucinda's place, even though Lucinda wasn't there. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan then explained that some purple tentacle thing took Lucinda, Melissa, Dottie, and Maria somewhere and they don't know what to do.

"So... are we just gonna wait until they get back?" Zane asked.

"I guess, we don't have another choice." Said Aphmau.

Her ears and tail twitched and so did mine, Kawaii~Chan's, Daniel's, Rylan's, and Garroth's ears and tails did the same thing.

As the others began to chat freely, I looked out the window and began to think.

"Big sis... I hope you're alright..." I thought.

~~Time Skip~~

Some time has passed and Aphmau and the others were at my house cleaning up the place a little since I decided to hang out with Daniel and Rylan today. We went to the arcade today and after the arcade we went back to my house and Zane was standing outside. He then told me that he has a surprise for me.

"Zane? You have a surprise for me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just follow me." Zane said.

As I followed Zane, I closed my eyes. I could tell that Daniel and Rylan were following me as well. I entered the house and it started to smell like popcorn.

"Zane! It smells like freaking popcorn!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, open your eyes in 3, 2–" Zane said.

Before Zane could say one, someone blew a confetti popper into my face. As I immediately opened my eyes, lots of pink and gold confetti was raining down on me.

"TA-DA!" Kawaii~Chan squealed as she was wearing a clown costume.

They turned my home into a circus! There was a blowup house in the living room. It was sorta deflated a little bit but I could imagine it must've tooken them awhile to set this all up. Everyone was in circus outfits. Garroth was in a clown costume and he had a red balloon.

"Welcome! What would you like in your magical day?" Garroth asked me.

His impression of a clown sorta sounded a little like Pennywise to me for some reason. I was completely speechless, I didn't know what to say to Garroth.

"Uhh, I just wanna go to bed." I said.

Garroth and Zane began to laugh. I saw Aphmau wearing a cardboard box that read "ticket booth".

"Aphmau! Come on! Are you serious??" I questioned as I tried to hold back my laughs.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please go somewhere else. Just explore." Aphmau said.

I saw Kim/Ghost and Kawaii~Chan on red balls juggling bowling pins.

"Hi." I said in a worried and happy expression.

I sorta began to laugh. Then Garroth started running for the deflated blowup house. He had a megaphone in his hands and it was making police car sounds.

"This is all really freaking scary." I said.

Daniel, Rylan, and Zane began to laugh as Garroth jumped onto the deflated blowup house. The deflated corners blew up a little.

~~4 Hours Later...~~

Sometime has passed and we finished cleaning up the circus Zane made in my home. I began to ask him if he used my credit card. He then said yes. I told him to wait in the kitchen. I ran back up into my room and found a paintball gun and filled it up with a few paint balls. I walked downstairs and I then began to point the barrel of the gun at Zane.

"Ah! Aaron! Aaron! It was an accident! It was a freaking accident!" Zane exclaimed as he backed into a corner all cowardly.

"What was an accident??" I asked as I tried to hold back a smile. I smirked a little bit.

"I accidentally swiped your credit card, and— and— a— I didn't even do it." Said Zane.

I could tell he was lying.

"Okay, what if this was an accident too?" I asked him.

I shot a paintball at him and it hit his ankle. He exclaimed in pain. That's what he gets for turning my home into a circus. But if Melissa was there, she would have lost her mind. But I kinda wonder how she's doing.

I then heard my phone go off. It was a text. It read: hey there, old kindergarten buddy, it's me, Keori. I met with your friend Daniel today and he told me everything that you've been through a lot lately and I was wondering if I could come over tomorrow at lunchtime.

"Keori? From kindergarten?" I thought.

Keori, she was my first childhood friend. She and I have known each other since kindergarten through 5th grade. That was until she left my home town. And I never saw her again after that. I haven't spoken to her in so many years, I bet she wants to know all the craziness I've been through.

I texted yes to Keori. I can't wait for her to meet Aphmau tomorrow. Plus Keori is gonna be so hyped when she finds out Aph and I are engaged.

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