Chapter 10 - Taking Turns

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I stood their , eyes practically buldging out of my sockets. Josh was the first to stand , then Kyle. They both rushed towards me , concern written in their faces. " Where have you been?" Josh asked distressed , "I was at the hospital....Seeing how my father was doing" I replied blankly brushing them off before walking over to the couch , flopping down. I turned over to look at the ceiling. " Skyler......." Josh started, " We need to talk to you about our....Little arrangment" Kyle finished. I sat up to look at them. " What arrangment?" I asked puzzled. They looked back and forth between each other before looking back at me. I had a bad feeling about this "arrangment". "Well we had a discussion...and due to the fact that I won't always be at home to keep an eye on you..." Josh mumbled , " You will be staying at my house the days he's out late" Kyle spoke up. My jaw was now on the floor. You had to be kidding me. "No! I refuse to live with Kyle after him and that bimbo greeted me by making out as I entered!" I yelled , crossing my arms and scrunching up my nose.
I jumped up off the couch , glaring at them both before stomping off to my room. No way in hell would I be staying with that stupid Playboy bunny Kyle. He can shove that idea where the sun don't shine in my oppinion.
They banged on my door , telling me to open up. It had been about 20 minutes until they finally stopped. My stomach growled impatiently. I was extremely hungry. I quietly got up off the floor , sliding the door open slowly. I looked around , it looked like the close was clear. I tiptoed out , trying to keep quiet enough so I wouldn't wake Josh. Which failed miserably. I didn't have to worry about waking him as Josh and Kyle were both awake and now had me pinned to the floor. "Oh come on!" I yell as I struggled to get out of their grip. " We will let go when you agree to the living arrangements. It's either you have to put up with him a couple days a week or you have to live with him completely because he will move in here" Josh said sternly , I sighed in defeat. " Okay Okay , I'll do it" I replied Josh's face lighting up in triumph. He wrapped his arms around me , drowning me into one of his special bear hugs. "Ok-ay I'm dyi-ng Here" I stutter out. Josh finally lets go and I can breath again.
I looked over at Kyle who had been quiet since I has agreed to their wishes. I didn't hate him that much I was just upset. " Oh come here you douche" I say wrapping my arms around Kyle's neck pulling him into a bear hugs. "I forgive you" I mumble into his shoulder , his arms instantly snaking around my waist.
"Now let me go to bed" I say retracting from Kyle's grip , and standing up. " Night Night Sky" The both chimed as I made a duck face , sticking my tongue out before entering my room.
I flopped down onto my bed, a chime ringing from my phone. I looked down to see a message from an unknown number. ' You whore! Sleeping in the same house as 2 other guys! You have no shame you ugly slut! You are so disgusting with your fat ass and stupid tan! Get a life you hoe! xx- Your Nightmare' My eyes started to water. My self esteem went from sky high to the centre of the earth. I curled into a ball , sobbing quietly to myself. I wanted to cut. I honestly did but if it wasn't for the fact that I had two gorgeous boys already worried about me enough in the room next to me I would cut. I had stressed them out enough in the past week or so , I didn't want to stress them more. I had to get some sleep . I needed to pack for my night at Kyle's tomorrow in the morning so I had to get up early. I rolled onto my side , closing my eyes tight , trying to stop the tears from flowing. Eventually they stopped and sleep greeted me with open arms.

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