Escaping Shiganshina

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     I raced tried to get up and race back to Marvin's shop, but with the crowd of people too worried about their own lives ran in a stampede over me. Some stepped on me and no one bothered to help me up. Everyone was screaming and crying. I finally got to my feet and rushed around the corner, the echoing steps of titans behind me continued to grow louder. 

     When I finally reached his shop, I was frozen in horror. A huge chunk of the wall took out a whole line of houses and shops... including Marvin's. As I slowly approached the house, I began to notice the blood seeping out of the rumble. I thought that I might cry, but there was no time for that now. Usually I would have left by then, but one thing was for sure: the military needed my help. They needed all of the help that they could get. I still haven't showed Marvin my roller blades. He needed to experience ice skating. I still wanted to show Marvin the joy of music. Music was my life, my passion, and my love. I wanted to play some real, modern music for him. I wanted to show him my violin and maybe play a song or two. But there was nothing I could do now. All I can do now is get out of the city. 

     I ran through the city that now appeared to be an endless labyrinth. I didn't know my way around like many of the people who have lived here their entire lives, so I had to find the other gate. I couldn't find the gate, but I did find a house. This little house was unmistakably the place where Bertholdt is going to be eaten many years later. I walked inside and took a look at the place. It was a nice little house, very tidy and organized. I opened up a door to reveal a little bedroom. I decided that since this place will remain untouched until the battle to retake Shiganshina,I will use it as my base until then. I took a sharp rock and wrote my name on the door, so that way I knew which one was mine when I come back many years later. 

     I walked down the empty street while singing a little sing to keep my spirits up. What I thought would be a dream come true, turned out to be possibly the worst experience of my life. Screams were heard from every direction as titans roamed the district. A few titans crossed my path, but they never really bothered me. They were just slow hunks of disgusting . So I could just casually walk between their legs and watch them reach under like idiots. Every once in a while I'd let some smart aleck comment roll off of my tongue. "Oh no mister titan. You don't wanna eat me. I'm a choking hazard." or "You could at least put some clothes on. The scariest thing about you is your nudity. At least the armored titan has SOME modesty." or "Ew. Gordon Ramsay  would be so mad at you right now. Eating your food raw? Blah!" or "For someone who has a bigger brain, you seem pretty dumb." I know its messed up, but I couldn't help it. At one point, a random Garrison officer swooped down with his ODM gear and picked me up. 

Garrison Officer: You alright there?

Victoria: Yeah... I'm fine. 

Garrison Officer: Just hang in there. I'm going to move you closer to the exit gate. From there, I'm afraid that your on your own. 

     I nodded and tried to make it look like I was sad. I didn't take several years of drama in school for nothing, you know? To be honest, being sad was actually pretty hard. I was flying through the rooftops of Shiganshina at a really fast speed on a Garrison Officer's ODM gear. It was like a dream come true! I could tell that he was going slow and steady because he was carrying me under his arm, so I can only imagine what it would be like to fly with these things at full speed, with all sorts of fun tricks like going upside down and spinning and stuff! And to control where it goes! 

     He dropped me off close to the exit gate and told me to run for it. He said that him and his men are trying to rescue survivors and hold back the titans. I thanked him for the lift and headed for the door at full speed. I could hear the soldiers arguing, saying to close the gate. I tried to run as fast as I could, but then I heard it. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Right before my eyes was the infamous Armored Titan. He paused and I heard the gates closing. I was actually glad that the Armored Titan was about to crash through the wall because if he didn't chances are that they are gonna close the gate and leave me trapped inside with a munch of man eating titans. The Armored Titan ran towards the gate at full speed. I felt the cold rush of air almost knock me off my feet when he passed by and broke right through the wall. I saw people and debris flying everywhere and once the dust had cleared, I could see a finely opened hole. I casually hurried over to the breach and walked right through. 

     By the time I finally reached the crowd of people, the last boat had already left the dock. A leaned over and saw a lot of the people who had tried to jump on the last boa, but failed flapping in the water, desperately trying to keep their head above the surface. Marvin wasn't kidding when he said that most adults can't swim. 

     So I dived into the water, which was oddly deep, and pulled the lot to the sides where they can stay afloat by holding onto the wall. Eventually, they let down a rope to pull us all out and I was treated like a hero. They were all eager to know where I learned that. I just simply told them that I'm not from around there. I just told them that I was visiting family who lived here and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

     I eventually broke away from the crowd and left Attack on Titan. That was, no doubt about it, the most traumatizing yet exciting experience in my entire life. 


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