Nifa Morris

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     Finally, as I stood atop of Wall Rose, I watched the scout regiment prepare for the Return to Shiganshina Arc. We saluted them until the last of the scouts disappeared from sight. Suddenly, everything froze. I could still think, but I was unable to move. After a few tries, I was successfully allowed to return to the real world. It took me awhile to remember that the Attack on Titan series had gone on hiatus and that is why the story suddenly stopped. 

     I went into the kitchen and made myself a nice, hot fudge sundae. I deserved it too. I had spent many years in a world without electronics and titans roaming around. Not to mention, unlike the last 2 times, I actually survived this time around. And let me tell you, being eaten alive by a titan and being crushed by flying rocks is not a fun way to go. 

     I was extra nice to my sibling that morning. I did miss them. I decided that I wanted to take another shot at being a scout again. Maybe this time, I'll have a bit more luck. 


Soldier: Full name?

Victoria: Nifa Morris.

Soldier: Age?

Nifa: 12.

Soldier: Date of birth?

Nifa: April 28th.

Soldier: Residence?

Nifa: Wall Rose, Calaneth District.

Soldier: Any medical issues that should concern us in any way?

Nifa: I don't... think so. 

Soldier: Is there any medications that we should be aware that you have on you during your time in training?

Nifa: Nuh uh. I don't need any. 

Soldier: Welcome Cadet Nifa. Welcome to boot camp.

     This time, I will be my original height (I grew an inch so now I am 5"2) and I appeared to have gained some weight. I am now 58 kg. I asked Marvin to go for a more "unique" look which he was happy to do for me. He got me a cute wig with straight red hair cute into a perfect bob and even bangs. He also provided me with pretty yellow/gold contact lenses. I also got my eyebrows redone to match my new character's hair color. 

     I joined and graduated the Cadet Corps just a few years before Eren did, in 6th place this time (I might have slacked off a bit too much there). After a while of serving in the Scout Regiment, I was promoted to officer and placed in the fourth squad under the command of section commander Hange. I also was put on the medical team.

     I was asked to go to Utgard Castle to go and save the rookies surrounded by titans. If only I could get them to move a lot faster, then maybe I could have laved Lynne from getting crushed. If only... 

    When we returned to the walls, it suddenly dawned on me that I was gonna get to see something I had always wanted to witness in person: Bertholdt and Reiner's epic transformation! 

     Hange entrusted me to look after Ymir. I watched the smoke coming from her wound. It was fascinating. Suddenly, the wind picked up and I heard a loud clang from the other side of the wall. The flag! It's happening! I stood up and starred towards their direction. I could almost hear the transformation theme slowly start to play...

     The whole group started running in his direction. I followed suit, not believing what I was about to see.Then I remembered... back in Shiganshina. When I watched him transform a breach Wall Maria. He wasn't even using his powerful, explosive transformation. I could only imagine the effects of a powerful explosion of a human nuke at full blast! So why was I running straight towards him?I turned around and tried to run away in hope of being out of range of the blast zone. But things didn't quite go as planned. I felt the heat and I couldn't see. I felt myself spin around in the air. I wanted to latch my ODM Gear hooks onto something, but I could tell which way was up, down, left, or right. I was spinning too fast. I felt my head get dizzy as crates, cannons, and other things that happened to be atop the wall flew and hit me making me spin even more. I reached out to grab anything, but there was nothing. Eventually, I was forced out of the smoke and I saw before me, the infamous Colossal and Armored titans!

     Eren transformed almost immediately after and the fight began. I was finally going to see a titan wrestling match up close in person! 

     Armin tried to scream at Eren in his high pitched voice to try and get him to run back to the wall. Of course, Eren wanted to fight. It was really quite the spectacle. Eventually, Eren took Armin's advice and ran back to the wall. Hange gave him some words of advice and Armin gave Mikasa some of his spare blades. I stayed attached to the walls and watched the fight in awe. I felt gravity pull me as I stayed up on the side of the wall with only a mere string holding me in place. No matter how many times I've flown by Omni-Directional Mobility gear, I still feel uneasy being this high up. What if I fall and my brain doesn't react fast enough to shoot my grappling hooks onto something to stop it in time. Terminal velocity is pretty dang fast. I'm not sure I can compete against that kind of speed. 

     The more I watched the fight head towards the climax, the more it seemed like a wrestling match. 

Eren: The leg! Go for the leg!

Armin: Don't let Reiner pin you! Get up!

Mikasa: Throw him! 

     You see? Just like an actual wrestling match. Eren is me, Reiner is my opponent, and Armin and Mikasa are my coaches yelling advice to me during a match. Pretty simple. I even saw Reiner get into a wrestling stance at one point and even change levels. Eren locked his legs around his neck and went flying to the ground, bringing Reiner down with him. 

Soldier: Yeah! That's how it's done! 

     Mikasa sliced the area on the back of his knee and we all returned to the wall. As his armor began to crack, I could see bits of what had peeled off fly past my fast.

Armin: You've got this!

Soldier: Go for it Eren! Rip the traitor's head off! Drag him out into the open! 

Armin: Um... what's h-

Soldier: Ha! Good luck pal!

Nifa: You've got this! Keep it up!

     I accidentally did an Anka Rheinberger impression there. My bad. I hate having to switch between accents whenever I swap to a new character. And then I get so used to talking like that, I go home with my voice stuck like that. The only thing I hate is that this world has an entirely different writing style that I can't understand. And I have to enter the english dub world in order to understand what the characters are saying. Now I really wish that I could speak Japanese. On the bright side, I can write about my adventures in this diary in my normal english language and nobody will even know what I'm writing. A lot of people simply assume that I know how to read their original language and think that I can read and write in two separate languages. Kinda cool and gives me bragging rights. There are a lot of things that they don't know how to do here. You will rarely ever find a girl who knows how to braid hair and I haven't met a single person here who knows how to swim other than Gustav, who I made it my personal goal to teach. 

Armin: What's he doing? Why did he stop here?

    Reiner let out a monstrous roar and Hange freaked out

Hange: Be on your guard! He's calling for backup!

Soldier: Novisual on incoming titans yet. 

Another Soldier: He ain't got a chance in hell. 

     Crap! The explosion! I'm directly over the blast zone and in perfect range of the outer radius of the heat! I'd get at least a huge burn and I'd probably break a bone if I crashed against the wall! But if I move, then it would seem suspicious. What do I do? I can't be in the blast zone this time or I won't be able to witness the rescue operation! What the heck do I do? 

Soldier: Try screaming for help without a head asshole! It's almost off! 

     There was a loud crack of bones being snapped in half and the loudest scream of a human being that I have ever heard in the history of Attack on Titan!


     Awww crap. Today really isn't turning out to be my day, is it?

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