Traute Caven

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     We were directed to a room where a lot of other soldiers trained for the squad were. I was put right in the front row, so Kenny would be able to see me clearly. I wanted to be picked to be his right hand man, or lady in this case, so that I can be the commander of my own squad. Now that would be an accomplishment! I had the leadership skills, but it would be a little harder to stand out to Kenny. If he was placed in charge of choosing where everyone was placed, I would have to work extra hard and seem very devoted in order to be placed in a higher rank. I'd like second in command, but I'd really settle for anything above plain old soldier. I want a new experience, that is why I am here. 

     We all stood at attention as Kenny Ackerman came into the room to introduce himself. I felt some people gasp and whisper and the bald guy with glasses from training who was standing next to me was shaking. Wimps. 

Kenny: My name is Kenny Ackerman. Not a fan of the name, but I've also been called Kenny the Ripper. That's because I've slit so many MP throats like yours that I got bored of it. But a lot has happened since. And as of today, it looks like I'm going to be the captain of this new anti-personnel control squad. Nice to meet ya.

     He looked like a cowboy. He sounded like a cowboy. He had a cowboy hat. He probably hung out in cowboy bars. And he was going to be carrying around a cowboy gun soon enough. 

     After a short bit of silence, he seemed confused. 

Kenny: Huh?

     His eyes scanned the crowd. Most of the people had their heads down with an emotionless expression. He didn't seem to like not getting a reaction out of us. He seemed almost surprised. I honestly wanted to laugh. 

Kenny: So yeah, I realize it doesn't make sense. If I were you, I'd be pissed too. Being led by a crazed killer whose not even from the military... 

     This is my chance to make a good first impression and stand out! I've gotta say something!

Caven: It doesn't matter. 

     Yes! I've got his attention! He's looking over at me!

Kenny: Hm?

Caven: The wall fell 2 years ago. We've given up on fighting the titans. Instead we'll fight each other over what little land we have left. That's the whole reason this squad was created, right?

     What am I even saying? Even so, I continued. 

Caven: That is what all of us are here for. We followed the rules, climbed up through the ranks, and now here we are. What do I care? It's fine by me. 

     Kenny looked surprised for a moment. I think it worked! Oh no now he's laughing. Stay monotone! Stay calm! Stay edgy and emo! Stay in character! Don't look surprised! Oh great, what have I done? Now he's walking towards me with a sadistic smile. Crap! He's coming up too me!

     He came right up in my face with a creepy smile. He smelled like booze. Gross. Mr. Bald man with glasses gave me a concerned look. Man, this guy is creepy. 

Kenny: Haha! No need to worry. 

     His breath smells, like, really bad. He probably didn't brush his teeth. 

Kenny: I didn't really ask for this squad because I wanna fight the scouts. No, that was just a little pretext I thought up. Something to make those jackasses on the counsel nod their heads. So, why are we here? I'll tell you why. It is all for a grand dream! 

     He then proceeded to tell us vaguely about a dream he has and how he plans to use us to achieve it no matter the cost. After the assembly, I was sure to spread some rumors around at the dinner table. I didn't talk much, but when I did, I made sure to win the favor of every person there and get on their good side. I wanted to be someone they looked up to and would follow to the end of the world. That way, Kenny would have to put me in a decent position. I did my best to show everyone that I wasn't scared of him. I feed them lies about how I had nothing left for me and no goal for myself, so I want to make good use of my existence by helping someone else meet their goal. It was the least I could do for the world.

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