My Time to Shine

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     In the past, I haven't done that much when it comes to being a "cool" character. If I am going to be entered into the official Attack on Titan story, I want to be a character that people think is amazing. Not like Nifa Morris who didn't make a name for herself until Levi shouted: "Nifa!" upon her death. Not like Anka Rheinberger, who nobody saw in action, but as just some girl who babysat an old, drunk, goofy man. Not like Lynne Thurbur, the only character who was seen vaguely in action, but all of the spotlight was taken by Nanaba and she will forever be the unnamed female soldier who died from the beast titan's boulders at Utgard Castle. And especially not like Ruth D. Kline, whose part in the anime was the girl that died and Annie apologized to her corpse. No way! I'm second in command now and because Kenny is such a big deal in season 3, I'm sure to make a bigger appearance. 

     It has been a loooooooong time since my first major mission, and while the milestone was fun and all, it doesn't compare to what awaits me. I'm going to make sure that I put on a good show for the anime viewers. I'm going to amaze them. I'm the bad guy this time around. I can easily control the situation and the outcome of the anime. I'll have to let the enemy win, but I'll make sure that the audience is on the edge of their seat while I back the heroes in a corner and let them victoriously escape and make the audience go: "WOW!" I know how much the ladies of the fandom, and probably some guys, love Captain Levi, so I'll  make sure that me and my squad push him to his limits so that all of the fangirls can scream their little hearts out. This is going to be great! I'm doing this for you fellow Attack on Titan viewers, who I pity for not getting to experience this! 

     I've gotten the hang on being the leader. In fact, I think Kenny is more of a figurehead. He is just like: this is what I want, now you decide on the best plan of action for this squad to get it. It honestly feels great. I'm sure the fans will think so too. 

     I need to make sure my debut is perfect. So this morning, I made sure to make my makeup look the best I could and I made I wig look nice in it's traditional low ponytail. I put it on extra tight too. Don't want it falling off. That would be very bad. And yet, Marvin's wigs haven't let me down yet. I used a long coat to conceal my gear while I went with Kenny to spy on the new Levi squad in what should be episode 1 of season 3. I don't remember. I've been here for too many years. The squad was on standby and the plan was put into motion. Wearing my hood over my head and crouched next to Captain Kenny, I watched carefully as they retrieved Eren from his titan form as he transformed for the 3rd time in a row. 

     We've been keeping tabs on them for a while now and their cabin has just been overrun with MPs. They've regrouped somewhere outside where they can watch them search their cabin. Finally. After a long time of waiting, the time is finally here. We watched as Hange and Moblit got on their horses and rode off. Only then did we stand up. My legs have fallen asleep and the high heeled boots I was wearing were starting to leave blisters. I couldn't wait to take them off later. 

Caven: Rather quick on the move, aren't they?

Kenny: Ha. The kid may be small, but he's disciplined, I'll give him that. 

Caven: An acquaintance of yours? 

Kenny: And old one. 

     After that, we returned back to base where the rest of the soldiers were on standby. Before we knew it, I was flying past buildings at an unbelievable speed with my gear and the unmistakable sound of Captain Levi saying his iconic: "KEEEEENNNNYYYYYY" from the other side of the rooftop. I could almost hear the OST playing in the background. I instructed my team to follow after Levi while I got a bit lazy and watched from a somewhat safe distance. I could almost feel the pain of your face being crushed through your skull and into your brain from getting a bullet straight through the head back when I was Nifa. I felt myself tense up just watching it. It's not often you get to watch your blood get splattered on a chimney right before your very eyes. 

     After my team surrounded a small local bar which Levi had disappeared into, I watched as Kenny went flying out the swinging doors and landed with a thud and a cloud of dust on the stone pavement while Captain Levi made his great escape out the side window. My team followed suit so I took the time to check on Kenny, although I couldn't have cared less, I needed to made sure he was still alive at least. 

Caven: Captain? You finally bit the dust yet, or what?

     After a brief pause, Kenny finally lifted his hat off of his face and looked at me with a look of annoyance and immediately responded with a reply that matched my sarcasm. 

Kenny: What a dumb question. How would I answer if I was dead, Caven? Argh... haha. Brat got me good. I forgot that bar owners are allowed to keep guns to protect themselves. Looks like the runt grew up more than I figured... 

Caven: That's lovely sir. 

Kenny: Like hell! The boy's a thorn in my ass! My dream is slipping further and further away... 

     In the end, my team received more casualties than Captain Levi's, but we obtained the objective. My team was split up after that. Some went to take care of the bodies and help heal the wounded while the rest escorted the cart with Eren and Historia to the specified location. Meanwhile, I was given orders to come with Kenny on a little detour before meeting up with the others at the Reiss Family Chapel. That night, we put on our coats and went under the cover of darkness to kill Mr. Reeves... 

     We found him outside of his cart smoking a cigar. Kenny wanted to be the one to slit his throat through. Said he takes pleasure out of it or something. He crept up behind him, grabbed him from behind and held the dagger which glinted in the dim moonlight up to his neck while covering his mouth to muffle his desperate calls for help.

Kenny: You know, the one thing a merchant sound never sell out of is trust. 

     And with that... Kenny slit his throat without a second thought. I just stood there and watched, my face being the last he'll ever see, as his limbs went limp and the light left his eyes. He fell to the floor and never moved again. I know that he was an anime character and nothing more, but seeing him in person made him feel so much more real. I almost felt guilty that I didn't even try to save him. I looked up at Kenny while doing my best to act unfazed. 

Caven: Was it wise to do that without asking where Levi is? 

Kenny: He'll show up no matter what we do. 

Caven: How do you know that?

     He started to whipe the blood off of his blade with a rag like it was nothing. 

Kenny: 'cause I raised him that's how... Levi Ackerman's not one to give up the chase. 

     Kenny put the knife back into his coat pocket and turned away, leaving Reeves's lifeless body behind. I followed him as well. We had to prepare for the arrival of Levi and his squad. I had fought so many titans, but never in the entire time I've been a fan did I ever think that I would one day have to go up against Captain Levi Ackerman himself. It would be best if I prepared myself mentally. The next morning, we watched as a crowd surrounded Reeve's corpse. A law was sent out stating that all Scout activity was to be halted until further notice and all Scouts were to be arrested. I watched from atop one of the buildings as a line of Scouts who had sworn to put their lives on the line were being handcuffed and lead into carriages. 

Kenny: Maybe this will satisfy the fat cats. Reeves ended up being just as useful against us as for us. 

Caven: But we still don't have any leads on Levi. 

Kenny: Like I told you. The runts' not gonna hide forever. When he shows, we kill him. 

     I took one last look at Reeves before following Kenny to our next objective. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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