Trost District

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     It all happened so fast. I desperately tried to survive training and I never had any time to do anything fun on my free days because I slept in the whole day. I thought that there was no way I could match Armin's brains, and yet he doesn't even know a single digit of pi. I was way smarter than these people because I've spent so long in school.

     During my time at the training camp, I turned 14 years old and moved on to high school in the real world. I've also confirmed that time doesn't go by in the real world while I'm in here. Also, when I enter this world and grow and such and then leave I appear to have not changed at all. All of my acne that healed in the anime world returns and I go back to being shorter. All of that weight I lost and new skill sets I picked up there? I know them mentally, but not physically. So it takes me a while to get used to my body changing like that. I would get and injury in Attack on Titan and then leave and it would be gone. I'd come back in and I would look the exact same as I was before I entered the world. In other words, I have to stay the entire duration or else I would go from being a 16 year old to a 13 year old overnight. That... would be weird. 

     They taught us how to spar and how to counter. They taught us the background history behind titans and everything they know about them. They tested us for balance and I passed right away. It seems that ice skating lessons has given me good balance. They taught us how to ride horses and the meaning of signal flares and how to use them. They taught us how to use guns. They also taught us how to put on and repair our ODM Gear. They taught us how to control it, aim your hooks, refill your gas tank, and how to replenish your blades. 

     ODM Gear training started by having us latch our hooks onto a thick tree branch and fly up there. It was surprisingly hard for even a die-hard anime obsessed weeb like me. A lot of people latched their hooks in the wrong place, or crashed into the branch. A few people didn't tighten their belt and their gear came flying off of their waists. It was actually kinda funny. 

     I became close friends with Hannah Diamant and Mina Carolina. I felt bad that they were both going to die and knowing them face to face was even worse. I got to know all of the characters who didn't get the recognition they deserve like Floch Forster, Daz, Samuel L. Jackson, Sandra, Gordon, Franz Kefka, Tom, Milieus Zeremski, Nack Tierce, and Thomas Wagner. 

     We did an obstacle course and ran through the woods during rainy days with heavy luggage on our backs. We had to climb trees and do hard core conditioning that got us all in tip top shape. We ran relays with heavy sandbags and we did sparring every other day. One time, we had to do an assignment that involved us riding out on a trail. 

     We took night hikes and practice with our ODM Gear. I have to admit, sparring wasn't the most fun when you were on your butt, but oDM Gear training reminded me of the real reason that I joined. I tried a few new tricks like flips and that spinning technique that I saw Levi use. In no time, I had it mastered. It was just so much fun to fly through the breeze, but it was way harder than it looked. You needed to have a clear mind with intense focus. 

     I actually had an easier time than I thought. I was used to running to my classes at school with a backpack far heavier than the one I carried during our running exercises. So that was so easy, I actually had to hold myself back. 

     I parents had signed me up for a special program where you can try out the different sports High School is offering. So I was familiar with running because of cross country and track and I knew a thing or 2 about pole vaulting. I also learned bo staff fighting and wrestling. And of course, there was ice skating. I was far more athletic than I thought. Most of the other people didn't have the kind of active life that I had. For them, it was all fun and games and house chores. So I was surprised to see how well I could handle the harsh training. 

     Winter training sucked. We were given a route to follow to a camp in the middle of the forest, and I knew that we would pass by a lake. Even with our snow gear, we were still cold and unprepared. The fact that a blizzard was going on didn't help either. 

     When we finally graduated, I was excited, and yet, I knew the dangers that awaited me. When word that the colossal titan spread around, we were sent out to go stop it. It all happened so fast. I was with my squad, all characters that weren't introduced in the story and 3 of us died. I was surprised to find it far harder to avoid titans when your not on the ground. It was harder than it seemed. 

     That's when it happened. A large hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my leg and dragged me down. I hit the ground hard and looked up to see the face of a horrible monster looming over me. I started to freak out and cry for help. I scrambled to my feet and tried to run away, tears staining my face. I heard the voice of my teammates as they abandoned me. It picked me up and I couldn't even think. 

     Spending so much time in a fictional world has made me forget that unlike everyone else here, I'm a real person. I'm so used to being called Ruth, that I've forgotten my real name is Victoria. I remembered that I didn't belong here and looked around. No soldiers in sight. I tried to leave the world, but it wouldn't work. I kept trying, but still nothing. I started to freak out and cry, but the titan's disgusting breath sent shivers down my spine. I felt true fear as I felt my head being crushed under the weight of its jaw. Of course, titans had to have flat teeth like humans. All to make death more painful. 

Victoria: Why couldn't I be eaten by derpy titan?

     And then, everything went black. 

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