The 104th Cadet Corps #3

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     Once checked in, we were measured and then given our official uniforms in our size. They told us that we would have to provide our own shirt, obviously. Then we were given a little care package with towels, toiletries and a canteen and stuff as well as bedding for our mattress. We were then given a tour around camp. They showed us the boundaries, the well where we could fill up our canteen, the mess hall, the girls and boys dorm rooms, the forest where we would train, the sparring grounds, the balance poles, and even an obstacle course. They explained to us the rules and gave examples of the harsh training that lay ahead. They also explained that every 9 days, we are given a free day to relax and work on whatever we wanted to. That might come in handy. 

     Finally, we were taught the official salute (which I knew by heart) and lead to our rooms and we got to chose a bunk. I ran as fast as I could to the top bunk on the very end, right next to a window. I'm gonna be here this long. Might as well get comfortable. 

     Finally, our first night at camp began. Everyone was so exhausted from a long journey, but not me. I still had so much adrenaline. I couldn't wait to start training tomorrow. I looked down to see who my bunkmate was and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Annie! Annie was my bunkmate! Aww crap. Annie Leonhart is my bunkmate. What do I do? I suppose that makes sense. I peaceful corner away from everybody else. Right next to a window where she can feed Reiner and Bertholdt inside information. But still, this is gonna be one long 2 years. I just hope that she doesn't snore. 

     I grabbed a smaller backpack that I had brought inside of my duffel bag and put my filled canteen, my ipod, my headphones, a blanket, and a flashlight and hurried out the window. I snuck passed the boys dorm and peeped through their window. Sure enough, Reiner and Bertholdt were sharing a bunk right next to the window. Ha! I was right! Reiner snored loudly and Bertholdt had probably the weirdest sleeping position I'd ever seen in my life. His face was smashed against his foot and his other foot was dangling off of the bed. His butt was floating in the air. And here I thought that I had weird sleeping positions. 

     I ran off into the forest and climbed over the fence and followed my guts until I reached the bottom of the hill. There was a beautiful lake that sparkled in the moonlight. I climbed a tree using my spiked shoes and found a thick branch to rest on. I hung my backpack from its strap on a sturdy branch and wrapped my blanket around me, making sure that I had a solid grip so I don't fall off. I turned off my flashlight and looked up at the stars. They were truly beautiful. I'd never seen so many stars in my entire life. I had gone camping several times, so I knew that out in the wilderness there would be far more stars visible. I guess this is what the world looked like when there was no electric lighting. More stars than night sky. 

     I plugged my headphones into my ipod and played a soft tune. It was just so peaceful out here. Eventually, I started to get sleepy and I climbed back down with all of my stuff. I snuck back into the dorms and eventually drifted off to sleep. 

     The next day, training began. They woke us up at first light and told us to report in the mess hall in our uniforms in 20 minutes. Training just started and I could already tell that I was gonna hate it. 

     I put on my maroon turtleneck shirt, sports bra and white pants. Then, I put on cute avocado socks and the heeled boots followed by the official cadet uniform jacket. Finally, I put on the belt and makeup. I pulled my hair up in a midway ponytail and headed out into the mess hall and got in line for food. 

     Everyone was quiet while we ate, and when the time came for us to come outside, I prepared myself for the first task we would be given. We had to go into lines and stand there at attention with very serious expressions while we listened to Commander Keith Sadies give a detailed speech about how hard training will be. I had to stop myself from laughing at the potato clutched in Sasha's hand. 

     We stopped by everyone who hadn't seen the titans head on, which I guess included me. Yes, I did see them, but I was enlisted as being from Calaneth District, so that meant that I know nothing. 

Sadies: Pay attention cadet! Learn to focus and maybe you won't be the first one to get swallowed!

Oops. He was talking to me. 

Ruth: My apologies sir!

Sadies: So what pathetic name did they give you?

Ruth: Ruth D. Kline from Calaneth District sir!

Sadies: That won't matter when your titan chow!

Ruth: I'm well aware of that sir!

Sadies: Good. An idiot that doesn't pay attention. Oh well. Won't matter when you're dead! So what's a maggot like you doing here?

Ruth: To help humanity fight the titans!

Sadies: Lovely to hear. You'll be titan feces in no time!

That was actually really scary. If your going to ask people to make a death wish for the good of humanity, you might as well not scare them away. Oh if only he knew. 

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