Beast Titan

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     I didn't act immediately. I felt my heart race, but I remained still as the footsteps grew louder and louder. Henning must of seen my horrified expression because a look of concern crossed his face. 

Henning: Lynne... Lynne? Are you ok? Lynne! What's wrong?!?! Lynne!

     His voice echoed all around, but I couldn't move. I just stared at the ground and tried my best to calm down enough to speak.

Henning: Lynne! Answer me! What's wrong!?!?! LYNNE!!!

Lynne: They're here. 

Henning: What? Lynne you're not making any se- 

Lynne: Oh so you don't hear the footsteps of death coming this way?!?

     Henning stood still and looked me in the eye. At first, all we heard was silence. We heard a cricket chirp, but otherwise, the night was silent. Then, there was a thump. Henning's face grew pale and his eyes showed nothing but fear. I slowly stood to my feet and looked at the ground. I pointed in the direction they were coming from.

Lynne: I'll go tell the others... 

     I started to walk off towards the staircase, not daring to see the monsters that approached us. Henning finally snapped out of it and grabbed my arm.

Henning: Lynne... I'm so sorry. You were right. We should have paid more attention. 

Lynne: We have to go tell the others! 

Henning: Just wait for a minute!

     He hugged me and suddenly, I felt better. 

Henning: Listen. I don't think we have the best odds here. I just want you to know that I couldn't think of any better way to die than right next to you. You stood out to me at bootcamp. You were a beautiful, sassy, optimistic, music-loving, titan-slaying badass! I admired you. We've known each other for 7 years now. I just wanted to tell you that. 

Lynne: Thanks, Henning. 

Henning: Lynne, you're one of my bests friends. So if I'm going to die, I'll do it with my friends by my side. 

Lynne: Don't say that. We'll make it out alive! 

Henning: You've been a great comrade Lynne. This is goodbye, in case we don't get the chance to say it later. Now, go. Quickly! Go tell them what's happened!

Lynne: Ok. 

Henning: Also, please don't tell them that we were slacking off. I don't want them cursing our name and saying that it was our fault that we didn't see them coming sooner. Just blame it on the small amount of light or something. 

     I nodded my head before rushing down the stairs. I heard Henning cuss when he saw the incoming titans and then I heard him douse our fire and throw the logs off of the tower. I paused for a minute once I reached the door. I took and deep breath and pushed open the door and ran down the staircase. I put and my best urgent yelling voice and said: 

Lynne: Everyone! Wake up! Get to the tower immediately!

     I watched from atop the stairs as everyone scrambled to their feet. They all had fear in their eyes, so I tried my best to copy that expression. However, this time, I didn't need to. I was terrified. I don't understand why, but I wasn't looking forward to this battle. 

     They all followed me up the staircase and gathered at the highest point of Utgard Castle. They stared in horror as a horde of titans approached us. There were a lot more than I had seen earlier. This was going to be harder than I thought. I've fought titans one on one and sometimes in a group, but with a whole team of soldiers, but this was different. Our only protection was a flimsy castle and we were low on supplies. Only 4 of us had ODM Gear and the rest of us were defenseless. Well... not all of us. Not to mention how they were all attacking the same time. This was bad news and knowing it was coming didn't make me any more prepared. 

     Lynne: I couldn't see them in the dark... but with the moonlight... 

     I shot a look at Henning who returned a smirk, wink, and then a grateful smile. I tried my best not to laugh. 

Gelgar: What in the world? This shouldn't be happening! The sun went down hours ago!

Christa: Something is going on... 

Connie: Hey guys! The hell is that?!?!

     We all stared in shock as a monstrous titan, covered head to toe in thick brown fur with bulging abs slowly walked by. It appeared to be less experienced with walking, which seemed strange to me. And of course, this one was far larger than most of the titans I've seen. Most of them ranged from 2 to 10 meters at most. 15 meter class titans like Eren's were actually quite rare. So to see this one stand at an incredible 17 meters tall, was like seeing a shooting star. Usually, titans only go up to 15 meters anyway, but Hange said that 18 meter class titans have been spotted a few times in the past. However, an 18 meter is usually were skinny and hardly ever seen. I could only imagine how surprised they were to see a 17 meter, with fur and extremely long arms, and a fair bit of muscle on its build. This was honestly really wide for a titan. Those people in Shiganshina were probably horrified to see a 60 meter. This made me give a sideways glance at Bertholdt. 

     Connie started freaking out about that titan and how it was avoiding us and making a beeline for the walls instead. His words were cut off when a 9 meter titan thrust himself into the side of the tower. The structure swayed and shook while we all either fell over or started to lose our balance. Now I was thankful that I had taken ice skating lessons. Balance really does help you in the real world. And even more so in the anime world. 

     The monsters started to bang their heads on the door, the weakest part of the castle. The tower shook like crazy. I thought that I felt my brain rattle in my skull. 

Gelgar: H-hey! Get away! 

     I could feel something change inside of Gelgar at that moment. I'd known him for 7 years. That drink that he found in the parlor? He was willing to risk his entire career in the military, or at least some cruel punishment, to get his hands on a drink. Since these titans were keeping him away from his precious alcohol, they were in for a real surprise. Something tells me that he was going to put up one heck of a fight. 

Nanaba: Rookies! Stay where you are! We've got this. 

      She was using her serious voice. That's my focused, natural born leader, Nanaba. We are but 4 skilled humans equipped with Omni-Directional Mobility Gear and swords with 2 years of harsh training and 5 years of field experience. We knew what we were doing. We were the top of our class at boot camp and turned down the chance to live an easy life in peace to join the scouts where we could die at any second. But we survived it all. Most scouts don't last nearly as long as us. We had Commander Erwin begging for us to join the scouts. We were assigned to the elites fresh out of training and we were all hired to be part of Mike's squad when only 5 of us got that option. We were hand picked by the one who's undeniable skill placed him at second best to Captain Levi! So yes, there were only 4 of us against a huge swarm of titans ranging from 2 to 10 meters, and yes, our lack of supplies put us at a huge disadvantage, but there was something different this time. Gelgar was madder than mad and these titans just so happened to be keeping him from his precious drink and I had nothing to lose. So even though they all died in the anime, they result might be different this time. 

Nanaba: Let the ODM Gear do what it was designed for!

     So I loaded up my blades onto their handle and stepped up on the edge of the tower, ready to jump off. 

Nanaba: ATTACK!!! 

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