Nifa Morris #2

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   I felt a blast of heat and steam that unlatched my hooks and sent me flying again. I was very, very close to the blast zone this time. Way too close. In fact, I was directly above it. I felt my skin burn. It felt like my skin was peeling off. I felt the sting and it was hard to breath. I felt myself gasp for breath only to get a mouthful of thick smoke and something that was anything, but oxygen. I felt it stick to the sides of my throat and coat my lungs. I tried to hold my breath, but I couldn't see where I was. My eyes stung and so did the rest of my body. The heat was just too much. "So..." I thought. "This is what it's like to be disintegrated. It hurts." It looks like I was going to die yet again. To be honest, that was all I wanted. I was being tortured and the pain was just too much. I wanted it to end just that badly. The uncomfortable feeling of being burnt alive. 

      I was starting to really hate Bertholdt, despite him being my favorite character. It had taken me far longer than it should have to reach that point. I watched him destroy Shiganshina. I watched him breach the wall for nightmares to get through. I watched the effects of falling debris kill hundreds, and making escape impossible for even more, before the titans even got to them. Yes it was indirectly, but he also killed Marvin. And no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't save him. Every time, he wouldn't go fast enough and the debris from the wall would crush him. And during the Return to Shiganshina Arc, he became a human nuke and took out what was left of Shiganshina with one monstrous blast. He killed Moblit Berner, Hange's assistant. I liked Moblit. He was nice and funny. He seems to drink a lot due to his "unfortunate position". He has killed countless survey corps members. He basically killed Eren's mom, Samuel Linke-Jackson, Thomas Wagner, Milieus Zeremski, my good friend Mina Carolina, Nack Tierce, Franz Kefka, Tom, my good friend Hanna Diament, Mitabi Jarnach, and Ian Dietrich. He has tried to kill many of the protagonist and their friends. He brought Ymir back to their hometown where they would kill her too. And of course, there was Marco. How could I forget that? Things have changed. Before I could care less that somebody died. But now... now that I have spoken to that person while fully aware of their fate, I have started to feel sympathy for them. And not just then, but for every soldier that died at the hands of titans. Now that I actually knew I had to see the destruction of Shiganshina in person. I had to see the actual effects to finally realize that he was pure evil, and yet, I still didn't give him dirty looks during the training corps when I was Ruth D. Kline. I tried my best to be nice and gave him sideways smiles. In fact, now that I think about it, he is affiliated with the beast titan. It was his fault that I died as Lynne Thurbur. He is completely responsible for the death of Ruth D. Kline. I watched his handiwork slaughter many Garrison Soldiers as Anka Rheinberger. It took all that for me to see the truth. The thing that I called enjoyment... was just watching people struggle against something awful. 

     But... I didn't die. Turns out I was just unconscious from lack of oxygen in the blast zone. The heat left me with several bad burns everywhere. Other than that, there were a few minor bruises and scrapes. Nothing too serious compared to what I just went through. I got the worst of it. 

     What sucked the most was something that took me far too long to realize. Apparently my wig was made of a very flammable substance. The wig caught on fire and a part of it burned off. Whoops. So underneath was a charred bald cap that was holding my real hair back. So the guy that was tending to me found out that I was wearing a wig. Contacts too. My eyes really stung back there. Especially one of my eyes. My eyelid peeled open and one of my contact lenses fell out. So I had one golden eye and one dark blue. He found it strange. It also whipped my makeup off and removed my fake eyelashes and painted eyebrows. He questioned the holes in my ear lobes (where I had gotten my ears pierced) and asked why I changed my appearance. I told him that it was a secret and begged him not to tell anybody. He said that I could be dangerous and that he would have to report me. Ugh. 

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