Chapter 14: Neverending

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Kaname stood in front of the other's protecting them, these were only low level vampires and there were only a few so they would be easy to take down. Kaname narrowed his eyes and in the blink of an eye appeared behind them with a wave of his hand they fell forward either unconscious or dead "t-the war hasn't even begun...there are more....much more coming" the leader choked out before collpasing back to the ground his breath escaping him"we must dispose of these men immediately" he advised to Kaien, he nodded as they all helped to drage the vampires away.

The leader was right soon after another hoarde appeared, now with 12 people however they were still lowlevel vampires. Aido froze them and Yuki smashed the ice with the cane she was holding "this is far too easy, soon higher level vampires will start appearing and a lot of them. Be prepared" Kaname warned, the other's nodded. In any other situation Zero would question why Kaname was being bossy but he knew the situation was far to dire for something stupid like arguing.

So far it was still only low level vampires yet more and more of them came every single time, sometimes Zero shot them, sometimes Aktasuki burnt them, sometimes Yuki smashed their heads in, sometimes Kaname sent them into an enternal rest of some kind, sometimes Kaien would start fighting and other times Toga. Sometimes even the head of the hunter association got off her behind to help, then around half an hour after fighting simple low level vampires higher levels started appearing, none were aristocrats nor were they purebloods but they were still stronger then the previous opponents.

Some of the group started getting slightly tired from doing nothing but fighting yet the didn't stop since they knew they couldn't, swords clashed and fists met. Harsh words were shared as were encouraging ones from team mates. Blood was shed as was sweat, pants could be heard as they continued to fight. A vampire also with a staff attacked Yuki, their canes were pressed up against each other, the vampire towered over the pureblood yet with her superios strength she pushed him off. Turning the staff so the hilt was in line with his head she hit him immediately rendering him unconscious, briefly celebrating her victory Yuki continued to fight others.

Kaname lifted his arms out wide as if asking for a hug, wind started whipping around them, his eyes danced with crimson before the enemies let out pain filled cries and fell to the floor. Letting his arms fall limp to his sides and his eyes change back to brown he sighed wiping of the single drop of sweat that had begun to fall from his skin " beginning to get rather irritating" he stated "WE KNOW THE BIG GUYS ARE OUT THERE! JUST COME ON AND GET IT OVER WITH!!!!" Zero shouted. Everyoe resisted the urge to roll their eyes and faced the entrance, you could imagine the sounds of crickets as nothing happened "what? But that can't be it" Ruka gasped out shocked "not quite" a deep voice chuckled.

Vampires started leaping over to walls landing in front of the night class students and their teachers (including Zero and the woman) shocking them, these were aristocrats each had a different ability yet there were only 5 of them "only 5?" Kaname questioned "the others are waiting to face you" one of them spoke up. Everyone got into battle positions

"Bring it!"

I am no monster (Vampire Knight x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now