Lazy Teenage Pizza Day

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Lola's (POV)

We decided before heading back to the hotel, we and grabbed late breakfast at the closet Starbucks we could find. Back inside, Mike went his own way to shower, Sarah lyed on her bed, FaceTiming Michael. Since we have a meeting with the management today, I decide to also shower.

After taking a quick warm 10 minute shower, I threw on some dark blue skinny jeans, a Coldplay tour shirt, along with full on black converse. Leaving my hair dry by itself, I walk back into the room to find both Sarah and Mike laughing to who knows what.


Afterwards when we meet with managment, since we had the day off, we all went out shopping. Going inside of what seems like the biggest Forever21 I've ever seen, Sarah and I were reconized by a few teenagers. To my surpise, I was expecting more young teens in this store but instead theres, older women, middle aged.

"Wow, never expected for there to be so many middle aged women here" Sarah chuckles

"I thought this was more for teenagers?" Mike asks

"Haven't you been in this store before?" I furrow my eyebrows

He gives me the what-the-fuck look, "Um, no" he scoffs "Pacson is my heaven" he says in the most girlish voice he could, afterwards making all of us laugh.


After going into 200 differents stores, I'm kidding. We only went into Forever21 and some other random stores. Anyways, Sarah came out of Forever21 with two big bags, Mike went into the guys section and bought, not even kidding, he bought 10 scarfs and a jacket since rainy season is here. I bought a black dress with white stars all around, its thigh on the top to the waist then its loose. I also bought combact boots.

Currently, we're having a night out in the city going to have dinner in a resturant. The place was a bit to fancy to my taste but the food wasn't bad at all. Mike had steak, Sarah had a sandwhich and plain old me, I had a cesar salad. Afterwards, Mike and Sarah had desert, Sarah offered some to me but I declined.

While Mike was trying to get Sarah and I to laugh by telling us lame jokes, fours guys appeared behind us. Luke, Ashton, MIchael and Calum. When Sarah saw the boys, she was the first to say hi to Michael by running up to him and giving him a crushing hug. When I mean crushing hug I mean crushing hug, she literally jump on him cause him to lose his balance and crash onto the floor making me nod my head and chuckle before standing up and huging Luke.

"Hi love" He says nuzling his head into my neck, before quickly pecking my lips

"Hi" I chuckle then I waving my hand to the other guys who wave back.

"Come and sit" I motion for the guys to sit in our table.

During dinner, Luke informed me that the boys and him are going to perform on the Today Show, them they have a few months off before we start the tour.


The next few days flew by quickly, the guys performed on The Today Show, my band and I got a small gig somewhere downtown. Thinking it was going to be a small crowd, the venue would only fit about a few hundred but we got more then what we expected. More then 450 people came, lots waiting outside just to meet us but sadly didn't.

Currently, I'm in the hotel room alone in sweats and a tank top lying in bed watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Sarah and Mike left back to LA with Michael and Calum. The only ones here are Ashton, Luke and I. Ashton and Luke went out in the city early this morning, they invited me but I declined not in the mood for going out. Watching Mike fool around with Leonardo, a knock comes from my door.

Not looking over, "come in" I say to whoever it is on the other side. Luke and Ashton come in through the door.

"We brought pizza" Ashton sang, Luke closing the door behind him.

They both send me a smile as they walk over to me, Ashton plopping down on the bed next to me leaving the pizza box on my bed before taking a slice for himself and Luke lays besides me.

Luke wraps one arm around my waist, bringing me closer to his side while his other hand holds a slice of pizza. For the next few hours are full of laughter as we watch the show and eat pizza. Around 4 Ashton left to pack and shower before we head off to the airport. Luke decided to stay to watch and lay around and cuddle.

By the end of the day, we're on our flight back to the city of angels. Luckily there where no fans at either of the airports so getting on and off the plane wasn't much of a pain. Im not saying th fans are annoying but sometimes what they say does hurt and there actions too. Luke and Ashton took a cab to there hotel room, Sarah came and picked me up in her black Range Rover. Putting my stuff in the truck, I hop into the passenger seat, buckling up, Sarah turns down the music about to speak,

"Guess who dropped by today?"


OMG!! Guys I havent updated for awhile now but hopfully it won't happen agian. I have no excuses to why I haven't updated.

I guess I'm just losing ideas for this story and fousing more on my other story and other ones that are on the works, but I'm still going to be updating and brainstorming.

I'm thinking of having just a few more chapters maybe another 3 before ending this book. I already have an idea for the ending, its going to be a huge twist and eveyone is going to hate me after reading it. Not going to say anything about but just one thing, the ending might lead you guys to think that there will be another book, a sequel, but I've decided that im not going to do a seqeul and focus on other things.

Many things have happened in my personal life. Ive lost people and Im having quite a hard time currently.

Once again sorry for not updating sooner, I know I said I was going to update last week but school work got in the way.

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Edited, 1/16/15

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