Talks & New Friends

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Enjoy ;)


Lola's (POV)

When we walk into the building, I'm not really in shock in how fancy and nice it is. It's not one of those cheap ass motel 6 crap. The lobby is quite spacious with a huge chandelier hanging right above you. Sarah and I walk straight to the elevator without saying a word to each other. Once in the elevator, I press the H button and wait. After the ding sound comes and the door opens, Sarah walks out first, me following behind but soon catching up.

Walking past H2, I can't help but feel a bit off since Sarah isn't talking. I mean at all. Not even in the car. After a few minutes I break the silence, "Why are you being quite?"

She faces me simply saying, "I'm not"

"Yes you are" I say looking at the next number, H4.

Sarah just sighs and says "what number does she live in again?" I point to the next door which is the last door "H5"

We walk up to the door, side by side, standing in front of it. Sarah looks over at me then motioning her head to the door for me to knock. I take in a deep breathe before I do.

I could hear faint footsteps from the other side, soon coming nearer. The door opens to reveal a man, no older then Sarah and I.

He looks at both Sarah and I before speaking, "Can I help you two with something?"

"We're looking for Trisha"

Surprisingly, he opens the door wider, "come on in then" he says politely. Sarah and I walk in to what I presume to be the living room. We walk over to the sofas and sit without any one speaking.

"I'm just going to get her" He excuses himself and walks off into the hallway. Meanwhile we wait, I drift off into me own thoughts with only two things on my mind.

Who is this guy and why does Trisha live here?

After a few moments, Trisha walks in, being followed by the same guy who answered the door. Instead of sitting in one of the many sofas, Trisha stays standing up in front of both, Sarah and I.

She looks at both of us, "what are you guys doing here?" she asks, her voice just above a whisper.

I open my mouth, about to speak but Sarah beats me to it, "We have questions that you need to answer"

Trisha looks over at me in the eyes and nods, "Okay" she sits on the couch, her right leg over her left. "Ask away"

"Okay..." I start but soon cut off by Sarah once again, "Who is he?" she says referring to the guy, sitting next to Trisha.

"Oh, this is" she places her hand onto his lap, breaking eye contact to face him, "my boyfriend, Troy" she smiles sweetly at him, and him doing the same before taking her hand into his. I can tell by the look in there eyes that they're completely head over heels for each other.

"Okay, now my turn" I start, "why are you living here? I thought you were still living with your parents." I finally asked.

She opens her mouth, but no words come out. She locks eyes with Troy, nervously. Troy starts to rub her back with his free hand, then whispering something into her ears making her calm a bit down.

" mother kicked me out. I woke up one morning, I was feeling dizzy when I felt something coming up. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I first I thought it was just food poisoning until I missed my period. That's when I went to my doctor." She took in a deep breathe before continuing, "He said that I'm now caring a child" she says in a lower voice, "I went home after that to call Troy and tell him first since he's the father. I told my mom and dad during dinner, my dad was fine but seemed disappointed. My mother didn't say anything at first, but soon after, she exploded. She kicked me out, dad tried to reason things out with her but she didn't come to any of the agreements. The next morning I was out the door, but my father couldn't bear to see me living in a small apartment with Troy so he got us this place and is paying for it." She smiles weakly.

"Why did you come looking for me?"

"It was the day I found out about the baby, I was seeking for advice from you. I was either going to keep the baby or... you know. Afterwards I decided that no matter what, Im going to love this child." she placed her hand onto her stomach and smiled.

After that being said, a small smile came apon my own lips.


We continued talking, apologies after apologies about her bullying me for years but in the end we all became friends.

No hard feelings.

Turns out Troy is only 20 years old and is studying Engineering in UC LA.

Around noon, Sarah and I decided it was time to go. We said our good byes and we were out the door.

At first, we were going to go back home and cook something there for lunch but Sarah and I in the end decided to go to an Italian resturant instead. I never have had Italian and I reget it very much. Not going to lie but once when you have anything Italian inside your mouth, it makes your tastebuds expolde.

After we finished with our meals, we left the resturant. Currently, we're on our way back to the house, but blasting Mrs All American by, of course, 5SOS.

Sarah, since she's driving can't really dance in her seat but she does bobbing her back and forth to the beat, tapping her thumbs on the steering wheel and singing along. Me, on the other hand, I'm resting my head against the window and singing along too.

By the end of the song, Sarah's favorite one comes on, Rejects.

During the ride home, just a few more blocks away from home, the light turns red. We stop, obviously. When the light for the right lane turns red and our light turns green, Sarah presses down on the gas.

I look over to my right, resting my forehead against the window. I see a 90s white corolla, with the left blinker on waiting to go once the light goes green.

Out far in the distance, an Toyota comes in closer to my sight. The car seems so familiar but it doesn't stop at the light.

It keeps going.


Okay so I'm in love with Sia's new music video for Elastic Heart. The end made my cry. So sad, the video is so deep and ahhh! So many feels. The one thing that totally disgusts me is how people are sexualizing it. Since Shia is in nothing but skin color boxers, is 28 and Maddie is 12 with the same clothing in the Chandelier music video, people think it is inappropriate, when it actually isn't. Ughh! Media and Society is so fucked up.

Anyways, comment, Vote and VOTE!

The end is near!

Edited 1/16/15

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