Starbucks Drives

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Lola's (POV)

During the ride home, Sarah informed me that Trisha had dropped by looking for me. Yeah, Trisha dropped by. Sarah had asked her what she wanted but instead of answering her question, she walked back into her car and drove off. Weird, right? Why would the number one person who hates my guts for no reason all of the sudden come looking for me?

Is it becasue I'm becoming a celebrity. Just thinking of the word celebrity makes me cringe. Who thought I would be going on tour in a few months with my boyfriend, even me having a boyfriend and even having a friend or a best friend.

Honestly, these past few weeks have been crazy. I never thought this would ever happen to me. When we got home, I was greeted by Mr. Brown, Neon, Felix, and Lucky.

Gosh I've missed these little furballs.


After having something quick to eat, I walk into Sarah's room to find her in her bathroom with two hair dye boxes.

Stopping on my tracks, "Please don't tell me your dying your hair again?" I huff, "Sarah, really? Red? Did Michael talked to you into dying your hair the same color as his?"

She chuckles innocently, knowing what I said is true, "What? No. pshh." she waves it off "I's time to change my hair, don't you think?" She asks tapping her foot which only makes me send her a glare and saying,


"Ok fine" she rolls her eyes "need anything?"

"Actually" I begin "I do"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Uhh.." oh god she's going to say no or stay silent which also means 'no'

"Can I borrow your car?" I say slowly so she could catch everything I say.

"My car?" she crosses her arms across her chest, "why?"

"I need to go out" I simply answer


"To find someone"


"Someone" she stays silent, her eyes staring into mine, questioning wether she should let me use her car. She sighs before answering,

"Okay, but" she smiles "I'm coming with you" she sings, dropping the hair dye boxes back into place, then skipping out to her room, like a little 6 year old girl who got a new barbie doll.


Sarah has a bit of trust me but not so much when it comes to her Range Rover. It's like her own little child, all clean inside, no food allowed and everything seems to be completly clean. Instead of telling her who I wanted to meet, I just told her the directions to this person's home.

Sarah only asked for turns, if we're going the right way but didnt questioned where and why. I'm kinda happy that she hasnt asked abything like that because when she wants an answer, she gets one but if I were to tell her exactly where we're going and why, she will instatly say 'No' and drive us back home.

"Ok, now just make a left" I instruct her and she nods as she makes the turn. Once on the street, Sarah still hasn't recognized the neighborhood, either that or she's never been here.

I hop out, onto the sidewalk, Sarah following besides me as I make my way up to a lime, two stories high house. We walk up to the door, just before I knock on the door, Sarah realizes where we are.

Secrets Under My Skin // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now