Beautiful Disasters

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Lola's (POV)

"Beautiful Disasters? Yeah! I like it." Sarah says before taking another bite out of her burger. Luke had called me informing me the tour dates and our flight time. I already told Sarah and Mike.

Luke is planning to come back to LA for my birthday and taking me out. I asked him where he's taking me, he answered with 'its a surprise.' My birthday is in less then four days and he hasn't called me, he usually calls me every day even if its 1 in the morning. I'm starting to get worried.

"Have you talked to Michael lately?" I ask

"Uh yeah last night why?"

"Luke hasn't called me." I say in a low voice.

"Wait? Haven't you heard?" She says placing her burger down and raising her eyebrow.

"No, did something happen to him." I ask in a panic as my heart starts to pick up its pace.

"Not to him."

"What do you mean 'not to him'" I asked confused and more worriedly.

"Ashton has or was in the hospital. He's out now."


"Babe? I was about to call you."

"Why didn't you tell me Ashton was in the hospital?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm sorry I've been with Ashton. I'm sorry." He keeps apologizes. I'm a bit angry that he didn't call or even text me about what had happened to Ashton. Yeah, I don't know Ashton inside or out but he is Luke's best friend and my friend. At first I thought something had happened to Luke, when Sarah told me Ashton had gotten surgery, a flash of relief covered my face but I was still worried about Ashton's health.

After hours of taking with Luke on the phone, it was time for me to head off to bed. Covering myself in the sheets, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." Mr Brown reveals himself behind the door.

"Hi" I chirp.

"Hey Lola um I um..." He pauses, having a hard time finding his words.

"Is everything ok?"

"Your father called. He wants you back at your house by tomorrow, if not he'll call the police." At that moment when those words were spoken, I couldn't breathe. My hearts pace started to pick up. Not this again.


The entire night, I slept with Sarah instead of being alone in one of the guest rooms. That whole night I swear I didn't close my eyes. My mind would drift to the thoughts of what my father would do to me for leaving the house, trying to keep my mind off, I stayed up all night listening to 5 Seconds of Summer's album. Just by listening to Luke's voice calmed me down. During to Tomorrow Never Dies, my eyes gave out. When I woke up, it was around 10 in the morning; Sarah had already gotten up leaving me a note saying she went out for coffee but was going to pass by for me to take me to my house. I guess I'm not going in to face my father alone.

Luckily, I remembered, tomorrow is my 18th birthday. Tomorrow I get my freedom. Tomorrow I can leave my father. Tomorrow I'm officially an adult. Tomorrow I'm not going to be a baby bird trapped in a cage. Tomorrow I'm going to spread my wings and leave that shit hole. Even though I've had the worst memories there, I am going to miss it. That place is where I grew up, where I last saw my breathing mother. Pushing all those thoughts to the back of my head, I pull myself out of Sarah's bed going back to the guest room where I have my bag. Grabbing my bag, I carry it with me to the bathroom where I strip out of my pj's and getting into an oversized Blink-182 black sweater and leggings, along with my uggs.

I brush my hair and teeth, then heading out of the bathroom, I check my bag making sure I have everything, even though I'm coming back for sure, I then head downstairs seeing Mr. Brown in his office working on some papers, not disturbing him, I quietly walk past him to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, I drop my bag onto the counter and grabbing myself an apple. Enjoying my apple, I get a text from Sarah saying,

'Lola, Im outside waiting to take you home.' I throw away my apple, grabbing my bag, I walk over to Mr. Browns office saying my good-bye for now. I then head out the door where Sarah is waiting for me in her Range Rover, I put my bag in the back seat then hopped into the passenger seat.

Halfway to my house, the drive was silent until Sarah starts to talk about the what she is going to do.

"You know I'm not going to let you go into that house alone." She says tightens her grip on the steering wheel.

"I know but wh-"

"I don't care if he kicks me out. I know how to climb, I'll just climb to you bedroom window. If he hurts you, I'm calling the cops and kicking his ass." She cuts me off angrily. Not wanting to piss her off more or anything else, I keep my mouth shut for the rest of the drive.


Once when we get there, Sarah parks the car across the road, killing the engine, she gives me an assuring smile before opening the door and hopping out, I do the same. I grab my bag from the back, hanging it over my shoulder, we both start walking.

Opening the door, a dim of light from the window barley brightens the room. I slowly walk inside, not catching any sight of my father nor his girlfriend but I do find new opened whiskey bottles scattered around the living room. I start walking upstairs to my room, Sarah following beside me, until we get stopped.

"Oh well look who it is. John! Your daughters here with well who the fuck are you?" Anna slurs at Sarah with a half empty bottle of vodka in her hands.

"I'm your worst nightmare if you don't move right now." Sarah says sternly looking darkly into Anna's eyes but Anna just laughs before taking a big gulp out of the bottle.

"John!" She yells, in a split second, my father comes out of his room, beer in one hand and almost falling down the stairs, yep he's drunk. Not a surprise.

"Well you came with that bitch." he slurs leaning against the wall supporting himself.

"Out!" He yells at Sarah and pointing at the door. Without hesitation, Sarah looks over at me, before leaving she whispers into my ear,

"I'll be in your room" before walking out the front door.


Oh shits going to happen next chapter.

Sorry for swearing here, I swear a lot. Not kidding I say the F word more then 20 times a day. Sorry for any typos.

Comment and please VOTE!!! It motivates me to update faster.

Edited, 1/16/15

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