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××Yeosang's POV××

My alarm clock went off, signaling that I had to get up. I groaned as I reached over to my nightstand and turned off the loud device that was designed to look like the heart eyed emoji. The eyes would blink red whenever it went off. I sat up in my bed and yawned while stretching. I looked beside me and picked up my blush bunny, hugging it tightly to spread all my love.

“ Good morning, Yummy-Kins!” I greeted her happily. I gently put her down and tucked her underneath the blankets, assuming she was still tired from how early it was.

I got up from bed and went into my walk-in closet, retrieving my uniform and going into the bathroom to shower. I usually liked to sing in the shower. My favorite song was I Need U by BTS. I loved to sing to the piano cover, the melody was just so beautiful without all the dubstep. After finishing up in the shower, I left my room, clapping my lights off and then going down the spiral staircase. My house was very big. I came from the wealthiest family in South Korea, and my father owned several companies. I was greeted by my butlers, who had breakfast packed for me since I never woke up early enough to eat breakfast.

I walked out the big double doors to the courtyard where my best friend ( and childhood friend ) Wooyoung waited for me in his car. He smiled and waved at me and I did the same as I entered his constantly clean car.

“ Morning, cutie pie. Thick as always, I see. ” he said with a smirk. My cheeks burned and I lightly hit him.

“ Wooyoung, you know I don't know what that means!” I whined. Wooyoung just laughed as we drove off. He gently placed his hand on my thigh.

“ You have thick thighs, love, that's all. ” he continued smiling. I shifted my legs away from his thigh out of shyness and I looked out the window as we neared the block of our workplace. The two of us worked at a popular cafè.

I know what you're thinking: why work for money when you're from the wealthiest family? Okay maybe that was the least of your worries..But I was usually bored so I figured getting a job would be a good waste of time until it became boring. Wooyoung decided to get the job with me so we could continue to hang out all the time. He also just had nothing better to do. Wooyoung came from the second wealthiest family in South Korea, and our parents have been friends since they were in High School, so you already know Wooyoung and I would have to be besties. And thank God we are. I was always so shy around him but thankfully he was patient with me and waited for me to be more comfortable. Now, we're inseparable.

Wooyoung parked in his usual spot and we both stepped out and walked inside together, but not before receiving a slap in my rear end from Wooyoung. It was still embarrassing but I was pretty used to it. It would be weird if he suddenly stopped one day.

We went inside and were greeted by the usual sweet scent of coffee. I loved coffee. The smooth blend of coffee beans and milk ( if you pleased ) and your favorite flavor was so appealing to me. I picked up a few menus so when costumers came in, I could tend to them. Wooyoung and I worked as waiters and most of the time, I hated my job cause we'd often times get perverts coming in. Then Wooyoung would cause a scene and we'd get scolded, but never fired because of our status, which I usually hated the idea of.

Although I had the most money, I still wanted to be equal to everyone else because I didn't want to seem privileged solely because I had money and my father was a powerful man.

“ Sangie, could you take these coffees to that adorable couple over there? The bathroom is desperately calling my name. ” Wooyoung asked me. I quickly nodded and took the coffees from him, walking over to the said couple. I smiled brightly seeinh it was Mingi and Yunho.

“ You're off work today, Yunho? ” I asked. Yunho smiled and nodded.

“ Yeah, I'm off work for two weeks. It's my little prize for working non stop without breaks or days off for a month and a half. ” He replied proudly. I giggled and then went back to work. Wooyoung eventually came back at and gave me a little wink.

I went to tend to a different table when Wooyoung tapped my shoulder and pointed at the large window with a sly grin. My heart started pounding and my cheeks burned.

It was him.


Hi! I hope you kinda enjoyed this, it's only the first chapter! Just a heads up, chapters in this story may be shorter but hopefully I'll be able to make them longer as the story progresses ^^ I'll try to update as often as I did with "VOICE". Thank you I love you!💕

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