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××Yeosang's POV××

Wooyoung grabbed my hand as soon as he noticed how uneasy I was. He ran with me through the sea of people until we got to the food court. He looked around with a serious expression and I couldn't help but blush slightly at the fact that he was even holding my hand. I didn't have feelings for Wooyoung, but that didn't stop me from thinking he was beyond handsome. I looked around as well, confused and clueless as ever.

"What's going on, Woo?" I asked, looking to him. There was slight fear in my voice. He held his free hand up, signaling for me to keep quiet, which I obeyed too.

I looked through the crowd and saw a sketchy figure lurking. He wore all black with a hoodie. No one seemed too bothered by him because that seemed to be everyone's attire nowadays. Wooyoung sighed softly and let go of me. He looked at me with that same serious look.

"You're alright, Yeosang?" He asked, using my full name. He didn't always address me that way. He'd normally call me 'Sangie'. I wasn't sure if I should've nodded or not.

"I'm fine, but-"

"Good. I'll drop you home then." He interrupted. He took my hand again and hauled me around like I was an object. I was rather delicate, so his grip around my wrist hurt me.

"W-Woo, that hurts.." I whimpered softly. He didn't answer. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to me. He picked up more walking speed when we got outside. Stepping off the curb made me lose my balance and fall. "Ah!"

Wooyoung turned around almost immediately when he felt my hand slip away from his. His facial expression turned from serious to worried as he hurried to my aid. He gently helped me up and dusted me off carefully. The way he handled me now was way different than when we left the food court.

"Are you alright, Yeosang!?"He asked, practically freaking out. I just nodded with a small "mhmm" and we continued to his car.

The drive was quiet, and Wooyoung didn't even do as much as glance at me. He knew exactly what I wanted to know but insisted on avoiding any contact with me. Maybe he thought I'd just forget about it soon. Or if not, I'd just leave him alone. It was a bit heartbreaking, really. Wooyoung had been my best friend for a long time. But there were things he'd never tell me or make me aware of, leaving me confused and worried. He'd say things like 'Don't worry, Sangie' or 'I don't know what you're talking about' and ultimately make me sound crazy about the situation. I looked over at Wooyoung, who continued to ignore me. I didn't want that the whole car ride, so I spoke up.


"Sangie, I'm sorry. I know you're confused but trust me, it's not as serious as you may think it is. Just don't worry about it and leave it alone." He interrupted again. He sounded a little harsher than I ever would've expected so I just stayed quiet.

I looked out the window as little tears began to form in my eyes. I didn't like being spoken to harshly or getting yelled at. I tried to hide it but my odd breathing gave it away. I heard Wooyoung sigh softly as we pulled up outside the gates of my house. He put his hand gently on my thigh and I looked at him, my eyes immediately meeting his.

"I'm sorry, love...I shouldn't have said it like that. You know all I've ever wanted was to protect you. The world is a big, scary, and overly explicit place and you're far too innocent for your own good. I know you've had many questions for years but it's best if you just trust me and stay oblivious. Please. I really don't want you getting hurt out here."

I looked down. It had been this way for a few years. Wooyoung would leave me in the dark about many things, and continuously compare my innocence to the rest of the world. I wondered if Mingi and Yunho knew what was going on. Were they apart of whatever Wooyoung was apart of? I just nodded my head in understanding as I usually did and exited the vehicle. Wooyoung gave me one last slap on my butt before I closed the car door.

××Wooyoung's POV××

I watched Yeosang enter through the main gates to make sure he got inside okay. I sighed when he was out of sight.

'It's for the best...It's for the best..' I thought to myself continuously.

If I was completely honest, leaving Yeosang in the dark was the hardest thing I could've ever done. I was hurting him and preparing to demolish all the trust he ever had in me. But I couldn't worry too much about the effect of all this. I had to make the event in the mall known. I drove off as I made a quick phone all. I heard the call go through as someone picked up on the other line.


"San? It's me."


[A/N]: oooo seems like San and Wooyoung are able to keep in touch! What do you think is going on? What connection do you think Wooyoung has with San's group? What's he keeping Sangie in the dark about? Who was following them in the mall? Who was the main target?

Anyway, it's finally here! Chapter 4! I hope it didn't suck too much.. Thanks for reading! I'll try to be more consistent with updates but you know life gets in the way. Love you! See you all next chapter!♡♡♡♡

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