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××Yeosang's POV××

We waited outside Yunho's room for 2 hours. I could tell they were the longest 2 hours for Mingi, and I felt so bad. The doctor came out of Yunho's room, breifly looking through the papers attatched to his clipboard. Once finished, he looked up at us.

"Is he okay?" Mingi immediately asked. The doctor nodded.

"He's fine now, yes. Somehow, your friend had some sort of poison in his system. Luckily, he threw up 90 percent of it. The rest, we had to do ourselves." He explained. He could tell the three of us were hella confused. Wooyoung and I turned to Mingi, though we doubted he would ever do anything to harm Yunho.

"I would never, I-...I made food but I'd never try to poison him..it just doesn't make sense." Mingi sighed, "Can I see him? Is he up?" He asked hopefully. The doctor answered yes to both questions, opening the door as Mingi walked inside. Wooyoung followed him but I stayed behind to think.

I know had two different things on my mind, and they both were stressing me out a lot; Wooyoung is dating San and is probably connected to their entire group, and Yunho had been poisoned. Nothing was making sense. But before I figured out what happened with Yunho, I wanted to know what Wooyoung was up to.

I, of course, went in to see Yunho, but eventually our time together ended when he fell asleep. The hospital allowed Mingi to stay overnight, so it was just Woo and I. The hospital wasn't too far from Mingi's house, so the walk wasn't impossible. If we wanted Wooyoung's car back, we really had no choice but to walk. I doubted Wooyoung would've called San to give us a ride.

On the way, I figured I would try again.


"Yeah, Sangie?" He replied sweetly.

"...Do you think you could maybe tell me about you and San now?"

"Yeosang, Yunho is in the hospital because he just got poisoned. Are you seriously worrying about my love life now?" He sounded annoyed.

"Yes, Woo. We've been together for so long, it would be nice to know about who makes my best friend so happy. We can't just pretend this isn't a thing, I know what I saw at the party. It's not that I'm not worried for Yunho, I'm just a little hurt by this too." I explained. Wooyoung didn't say anything to me after that. He pretty much ignored me the rest of the way. His attitude towards this really proved to me that something wasn't right about this. He had even been acting weird when Seonghwa was at my house for the first time, almost as if he was angry.

I had gotten an idea.

"Can I sleep over tonight, Wooyoung?" I asked shyly.

"Sure, love." He answered with a smile. It seemed he would only listen if I wasn't going on about him and San. I sighed.


I knew how late Wooyoung liked to stay up so I suggested a movie. He was always up for a movie -a horror movie- so he agreed with a smile on his face and asked his mother to make us some popcorn and maybe bring some drinks.


My face was covered so much I almost forgot to actually watch the movie. Hearing the screams and gory sounds of guts being spilled everywhere, I teared up. I started to cry right next to Wooyoung, I was so scared. Wooyoung giggled and pulled me close to him, rubbing my shoulder. I heard the movie stop and he got up to put it back in its case. I was curled up on the couch, to afraid to move.

"Alright, scaredycat. Let's go to bed." He told me with a smile and a chuckled. He picked me up and carried me upstairs to his room, where we would brush our teeth and- you know how it works.

I purposely took long in the bathroom after Wooyoung finished because I knew he instantly fell asleep the moment his head hit that pillow. I giggled at the though. I waited about a half hour before making my move. I creeped out of the bathroom and made my way over to the bedroom door, where Wooyoung normally left his phone to charge. His screen was lighting up and I saw a new message on screen.

A message from San.

I picked up the phone and read the message.

Is everything okay? You left the party with Yeosang and never came back.

San❤️ is typing....

I guess you're asleep. Sweet dreams, baby. And don't forget our meeting with the guys tomorrow. Kisses💕

What meeting? So Wooyoung really did have a connection to them. Whatever the meeting was about, I wanted to be there for it.

I opened Wooyoung's phone to read more messages, when a hand was suddenly placed over my mouth and tried dragging me away. I struggled, dropping Wooyoung's phone and letting out muffled calls for held. The stranger dragged me to Wooyoung's now open window and tossed me out, at which point I was caught by a strong pair of arms and that stranger put a cloth over my mouth and everything went black.

××Wooyoung's POV××

I woke up the next morning to a cold bed. I sat up and let out a big yawn, getting up and lazily making my way to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, etc... and it wasn't until I went back to my bedroom that I realized Yeosang wasn't in my bed. Instead, there was a note on what was supposed to be his pillow. I quickly picked up the letter and read it aloud to myself.

"Hey, Wooyoung. Long time, no see, huh? Your friend will already be gone by the time you get this. Guess that means we win. I'm so sorry it had to go down like this, this wasn't how we intended it to go. You just make things so difficult for us. Anyway, we best be going. Adios, amigo.


I crumpled the paper in my hands, my blood boiling. I knew exactly who wrote the letter. I threw the letter into the trash and got myself dressed. I saw my phone disconnected from my charger for whatever reason. Picking it up, I rushed downstairs, reading over the messages from San.

Babe I'm on my way, but we got an emergency!!!!

What's wrong???

Yeosang was sleeping over at my place last night. He wasn't with me this morning. A note was left, he's been kidnapped. I think I know who it is.


××Yeosang's POV××

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision still a little blurry. I raised my head with a slight headache. Once my vision cleared, I was in the a black and pink room that was dimly lit in hot pink. There was pink glittery smoke filling the room but it wasn't hard to breathe. I could hear footsteps behind me and I didn't realize I was in a spinning chair until the chair actually spun around. I was met with a very familiar face.

"Hey, honey. Remember me? I'm Jisoo."


Hello! I have updated once again! Are you proud yet?❤️  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading! ❤️❤️ I really appreciate all the love and support! Thanks you! Kisses!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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