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××Jennie's POV××

I was laying almost comfortably on the roof of another house, aiming my gun towards Park Seonghwa.

Relax, I wasn't using bullets. Not that day, at least.

My aim was spot on but the time wasn't right. I was well aware that he knew of my presence. I smirked. I liked it when they knew I was near but invisible to them. I saw Yeosang was worried and confused as Seonghwa mindlessly looked around for me. I wanted to laugh but it would blow my cover, and I knew better than that. I waited until Seonghwa took Yeosang's hand and rushed away, and that's when I took action. I shot a dart in Seonghwa's arm and he immediately collapsed. Yeosang jumped in shock and I immediately moved away from my shooting spot.

Yeosang was mine.

My motorcycle was down below and I left my gun there. You're probably wondering if the family that lived there was home. The answer is no, they were never home. That house was actually completely empty and up for sale. Putting my game face on, I quickly ran to them as if I were in a panic like Yeosang was.

"Oh my gosh, is he okay?!" I called out in "worry". Yeosang turned to me in a panic.

"He isn't moving!" He exclaimed. I hestitated before quickly and firmly grabbing him by the wrist and quickly making up a story.

"I heard there's some sort of sniper roaming these parts. I better get you to safety!" I started to walk but the male fought me to get away.

"We can't just leave him! We gotta call somebody!" He argued. I rolled my eyes as he looked away.

"We have no time, one of us could be the next target, we must hurry!" I started running with him and he ran with me, calling out to Seonghwa. I smirked, celebrating victory in my mind.

I noticed Byeongkwan heading towards us, so I sped up and ran faster, expecting the other to keep up. I started rambling on to Yeosang so Byeongkwan wouldn't be able to call out to me or try anything. I needed him out of the picture. I took Yeosang to my motorcycle and rushed him to get on so we could leave. Once ready, I immediately sped off with him. He was silent for a moment, and I remembered that he had no idea who I was. Part of the plan was to actually befriend him.

"I'm sorry this all happened so fast. My name is Jennie. You're Kang Yeosang, right?" I introduced myself as innocently as possible.

"Uhm...yeah, that's me. Where are you taking me?" He said and asked, clearly more concerned with the sudden ride on my motorcycle to God-knows-where. Just kidding. I was taking him to the rest of the girls. Duh.

"I'm taking you to safety. It wasn't safe in your neighborhood. I'm sorry again that this happened so suddenly and against your will. I do hope you can trust me, I have no bad intentions." I smiled. I could feel Yeosang loosen up behind me.

"Well, thank you Jennie..I just hope Seonghwa is okay.." he said rather worried again. I just stayed silent. I wasn't in the mood for a conversation right now. I was growing impatient with this whole plan. I was growing impatient with the whole rivalry thing. I was tempted to just shoot up everyone and get it over with...but BLACKPINK had a reputation to keep. I didn't wanna be the one to ruin it.

We arrived at the BLACKPINK house and I got off my bike along with Yeosang. He looked at the house in awe. Our house was colored black and gold and I only hoped he was in awe of the coloring and not the fact that it was a big house. He was the richest guy in Korea, that just wouldn't make sense. I went up to the door and did the secret knock that sounded like "Blackpink in your area". Our knocks sounded around the whole house to ensure someone heard it. Don't ask how, our house was just cool. Yeosang stood there awkwardly and tensed up a little more when the door swung open and we were met with Jisoo.

"Took you long enough." She said jokingly and leading us inside.

"What can I say? I'm a girl who likes to take her time." I replied slyly.

××Yeosang's POV××

The house was absolutely gorgeous. Everything inside was black and gold and it was super elegant. It was very clean and tidy and fancy. These girls didn't dress up as fancy as the house was but I wouldn't put it passed them to do so. I was a bit convinced they were princesses, to be honest. Even though I knew Korea wasn't a kingdom or anything. They just gave off that vibe. I tensed up when the girl who opened the door spoke again.

"Terribly sorry, Yeosang, where have my manners gone? My name is Jisoo. I'm actually the one who bought this house. Make yourself at home, I hope we can be friends." She greeted politely. I just nodded shyly.

"Uhm..yeah, sure. Hey, maybe I should go-" I started, but two other girls walked in. I was getting nervous. Something just wasn't right, here. They were being nice, sure, but I got a strange feeling.

"Oh, there's Lisa and Rosè. You'll love them." Jennie told me with a smile. She then proceeded to tell me they needed to talk for a bit in private and I just stood there awkwardly. There was no way I could've left, I didn't know what part of town it was, therefore I didn't know how to get home.

Outside I heard a car pull up. I moved a curtain from one of the large windows and saw Byeongkwan getting out of a car. He must've saw me since he ran up to the window and motioned for me to go with him. It felt wrong to just leave but it didn't feel right to stay. I unlocked and opened the main doors and snuck out with Byeongkwan, who took my hand and led me to the car.

"I don't want you hanging around them, you hear?" He sounded demanding. He clearly didn't like Jennie and her friends.

"They were so nice to me." I argued a bit. I got into the car and the rest of his friends were in there. We all greeted each other briefly before Byeongkwan joined us.

"BLACKPINK are a bunch of snakes. Dont ever associate yourself with them again." He said sternly. I just nodded timidly and the car drove off.

'They had a name for themselves?' I thought.

It was utterly silent for a while. The boys seemed tense after what Byeongkwan said. I was getting nervous and checked my phone, seeing several missed messages from Wooyoung, asking where I was. He saw Seonghwa unconscious near my house and asked if he did anything. I responded, telling him I was fine and immediately after, he replied back, asking where exactly I was. I told him I was with Byeongkwan and they were taking me home. Wooyoung would meet me there.

××Seonghwa's POV××

I woke up with a slight headache and a sharp pain in my arm. Wooyoung was beside me as my vision cleared up.

"You're up. Good. Jennie was here." He said with a serious tone of voice. I struggled to get up and sit straight. Wooyoung help with that.

"I know. I wasn't quick enough to get Yeosang out of here. But I knew it wasn't him she was after." I got up along with Wooyoung as the ACE car pulled up to Yeosang's house. The sight of them made my stomach churn.

Wooyoung rushed to Yeosang and started talking with him. His face expression changed and I could tell Yeosang was being teased. A part of me knew it was messed up for Wooyoung to act like his friend but it was for the plan to work. Dont get me wrong, Yeosang was a real nice guy. But I didnt have enough sympathy to feel bad about all this.

I started walking over to the other group, exchanging glares and eye rolls with ACE. I thought it was bad enough that ACE was already there. But when Wooyoung and Yeosang disappeared into the large mansion, BTS showed up too.

And they had GOT7 close behind.


I hated this chapter so much I'm so sorry >~< I know it was kinda bad, maybe even a bit rushed but if you enjoyed it, thanks. I still don't know where this story is going but I'm gonna keep writing °^°. Hope all you GOT7 fans are happy :D see you all next chapter :)

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