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××Yeosang's POV××

He kissed me. He straight up kissed me. Park Seonghwa. I could feel my whole face heat up as he firmly planted his hands on my waist and pulled me close, deepening the kiss. Much like I did downstairs, I placed my hands on his chest in hopes that I could push him away but all I did was ball them up into fists, grabbing his shirt. As much as I wanted to fight it, as much as I wanted to push him away and tell him not to play with my feelings, I only fell deeper in love. I caved in, opening my mouth and kissing him back. This had been my first kiss ever. It didn't quite go the way it did in the stories but the fact that it was my crush was still so surreal.

I could feel my heart beating faster and with each heartbeat, it cracked even more, it hurt even more, and I was waiting for it to break. I was waiting for him to just break me. It was painful to love him but I couldn't just give it all up after all those years gone by.

He pulled away. And I could see a variety of things in his eyes; Lust, power....confusion?

××Seonghwa's POV××

It was annoying, really; for some reason I lost sight of what I wanted. What we all wanted. I had the bait right here, the key to our victory. I had him completely under my spell. But for some strange reason, I didn't feel victorious. We hadn't done much yet but Namjoon's words - all of BTS' words - suddenly decided to replay over and over in my mind.

"S-Seonghwa?" I snapped back to reality when I heard his little voice say my name. I could see in his eyes that he was worried. He was waiting for me to say "just kidding" or "no homo".

"I'm not gonna say it, Princess. Now fix your face; daddy wants you to smile." I smirked at him. He almost did as he was told when his ringtone went off. He took his phone out and answered with a 'hello?'.

"Mingi? What's wrong?.......Okay, I'm on my way, let me get Wooyoung." He said in a panic. I raised an eyebrow as he explained that he had to leave. I followed him and by the time I left the room, he was already halfway down the stairs. He was pretty damn fast.

I quickly made my way down the stairs and followed him through the crowd of sweaty people. Getting to the kitchen, Yeosang was standing there staring in awe.

San and Wooyoung were making out.

××Yeosang's POV××

I just watched as Wooyoung openly made out with San. After getting dragged to past parties with Wooyoung, I learned the difference between drunk making out and making out with someone you love.

So this was Wooyoung's boyfriend, which means he knew the others one way or another.

I stepped up and pulled him away from San, and the look on Wooyoung's face showed that he may have messed up somewhere. He just smiled at me.

"Hey, Sangie~" He greeted, pretending to be drunk. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed his wrist.

"We'll talk later, get in the car. Something is wrong with Mingi and Yunho!" I explained. Wooyoung dropped the act and ran out to the car with me. We entered his car and he immediately drove off.

The car ride was silent at first and though Wooyoung wanted to ask what was going on, he knew the other reason why I was stressed and confused.


"Why didn't you tell me? Why couldn't you tell me? It's not like you've been dating my crush so why?" I asked with a frown. It was hard for me to get angry so all I could be was confused. Wooyoung sighed.

"I can't tell you, and for good reason. I can't share the reason either." He replied. I just let out a 'ha.'

"Of course you can't. You never can." I said in a low tone. Eventually we arrived at Mingi's house and we got out of the car. He was standing on the front lawn waiting for us, tears in his eyes and huge frown spread across his face.

Mingi looked even more upset than he sounded over the phone. Either something happened to Yunho or something happened between the two of them. I really hoped it wasn't a cheating issue or a breakup. Mingi and Yunho had been together too long and I myself would be upset if something happened between them.

"Mingi, what happened?!" I asked in a panic. Wooyoung placed a hand in Mingi's shoulder and Mingi just burst into tears.

"Yunho...he..." He tried to speak, "Yunho just collapsed....I don't know what happened to him, he was throwing up a lot and I-" he cried out. I got a huge wave of anxiety.

"Did you call anyone?" Wooyoung asked. Mingi just nodded.

I saw the front door was open and I rushed inside. Yunho was laying face down on the floor, completely unresponsive. I called out to him out of instinct and rushed to his aid, crouching next to him. I checked him for a pulse and thanked God he still had one. The ambulence showed up and they rushed inside to Yunho's aid, lifting him up and carrying him into the truck, where Mingi, Woo, and I joined them. Mingi held Yunho's hand the entire time. Mingi eventually stopped crying, and wanted to be strong for Yunho in case of anything. I reached out and stroked Yunho's head. I looked up towards Wooyoung, who for some odd reason looked regretful. He wiped any tears that were going to fall, but all this didn't make me forget what I saw what I assumed about Wooyoung's relationships and connections.

Getting to the hospital, Yunho was rushed to the emergency room. We had to wait outside the room for some time while Yunho got cleaned up and the doctors ran some tests. Mingi clasped his hands together and rested his elbows on his legs, ans restes his forhead against his hands.

"It's gonna be okay, Mingi.." I rubbed his back as a way to comfort him.

I hoped.


Hello! I know I haven't updated in quite some time. If you pay attention to my announcement (which I beg of you to so you can get updated), you know that I'm not 100 percent happy with where the story is going. But I'm going to continue it and try to finish it so I can focus on "JEALOUS" and then publish new content.

Thank you for reading! Lots of love! I love and appreciate all the love and support! Thank you guys for continuing to read "VOICE" as well.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE ALL YOUR COMMENTS! You guys are so cute, sweet, and so funny! I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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