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××Seonghwa's POV××

I watched as blood flowed from Byeongkwan's body. Out from the closet that was off to the side...came someone I never expected to see here:

Jeon Jungkook.

His face was like stone as he shot each member of ACE like it was nothing, ultimately knocking them all to the floor in pain. I could tell Yeosang was traumatized because of how stiff he was.

"Get out of here before anyone else decided to show up...GO!" He roared.
My gang was ready to turn heel and get out as Yeosang reunited with his parents, but Jungkook stopped me specifically. "You come with me." He demanded.

I followed him to an empty room and he sat down. I sat down with him and he looked at me as though he were my disappointed father.

"Look what you got yourself into-"

"Don't lecture me, Kook."

"Cut me off again and I'll shoot you too, and trust me I don't want to do that to one of my allies. I didn't shoot you guys for that reason. I expected you to listen to me. What did you think was going to happen?" He lectured. I avoided eye contact. I didn't wanna admit that he had been right. I didn't wanna give in so easily. "You better have a solution, Hwa." He finished.

"Can he really...fix this? He did use Yeosang for his criminal plans and now that Yeosang knows...what can he really do about it?" Taehyung chimed in from behind me. I just rolled my eyes. I could feel both eyes on me.

"He has your heart." I suddenly heard Jungkook say. I wouldn't deny it, there would be no point. Usually our job took a shorter amount of time and seeing Yeosang at that last party really did for me...

Damn...I was starting to regret my choices, even if the rest of the guys wouldn't like it. But now that ACE is pretty much out of the picture...what would come of BLACKPINK? They were simply knocked out at their own estate and I doubted they would stop targeting Yeosang. If anything, they were more than likely enraged at that moment. Taehyung chuckled.

"BTS will handle everyone else. Remember, we're at the head of the table. Now aren't you lucky it was us that came to lecture you and not Namjoon?" With that, Kook and V left. I got up and sighed, having a hell of a lot of thinking to do.

××Wooyoung's POV××

The police had been contacted and Yeosang still continued to ignore my messages. He eventually came outside and I took the chance to speak with him alone. Upon seeing me, he didn't look happy.

"Sangie, please-"

"sAnGiE, pLeAsE! Woo, I can barely look at you! Nothing you say will fix this, you plotted to murder my family! And then possibly murder me! What? Are you gonna tell me that it was for my own good? Even Byeongkwan couldn't be trusted after all this time. Everyone I've met just turned out to be a lying golddigger," he sniffed, ready to break down again, "even the guy I love played me in the worst way.."

"...you still love him?" I asked. I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"We all have at least one person we can't just let go of...I guess I'm one of the fools in this world that still want the one that hurt them the most..." he asmitted, looking down.

I mentally beat the crap out of myself. I used to have no regrets and now I regretted the day I agreed to this mess. I couldn't say the same for the rest of ATEEZ, though.

"So are you gonna be with him?" I asked slowly. Yeosang willingly looked at me.

"No...not now at least..and I'll be putting our friendship on hold as well....I'll wait for the day you all come out of prison." He replied sadly. I was angry with myself but surpised he even considered continuing to be friends with the likes of me. I knew I'd be spending a lot of time in jail but...in that time I would better myself and be the friend I should've been from the start. Yeosang deserves that much.

Seonghwa came out of the house finally and Yeosang avoided eye contact completely.

××Yeosang's POV××

Seonghwa stopped right beside me. He leaned down and whispered something in my ear, something that would haunt me from the time he went into prison, to the time he came out.

"...Wait for me."

From that day and forward....

I waited..

and I waited....

and I waited.

Five years later⏩

I was opening up the cafe that day, so no one would be coming in yet. I took a deep breath, feeling particularly happy that day. Mingi came in a little while later. With Wooyoung gone, Mingi was helping out and Yunho worked at the bakery as usual. Things were...going pretty well. I was happy, my parents were safe and no one knows exactly what happened to the other gangs out there. No one in all of Korea has heard word about them in the past five years. BTS told me personally that they would handle them and I guess they were right. They even became my personal bodyguards in case of anything. Things were looking up and I was glad they were.

"How are you these days, Sangie? You haven't answered my texts in a little while." Mingi asked me.

"Sorry, Min, I've wanted to stay off my phone for a while, it gets kinda stressful. But overall, I'm doing pretty good for myself."

"That's great, I'm glad. If anything goes wrong, I'm here for you." Mingi said with a smile. For now, I trusted Mingi and Yunho. I wasn't too suspicious because they actually told me everything. I was grateful to them. I was honestly starting to get over what happened back then.

Sometimes I missed Wooyoung.

"I'm gonna take this trash out, okay, Sangie? I'll be back!"

"Sure, Mingi! I'll be here!" I then retreated to the kitchen to take care of some things, maybe even clean up a bit. Then I heard footsteps behind me and I rasised my head a bit. "You finished already, Mingi?" I asked. No answer. I got anxious, I hadn't heard anyone come in the cafe. I quickly turned around and what I saw made me drop everything I held in my hands.

Well...more so who I saw.

"Hey, dollface." I knew his charming smile anywhere and it still made my heart melt.

"Seonghwa.." Without realizing, I dashed into his embrace and he held me tightly. I heard someone else walk in and I let go of Seonghwa, hoping it was Mingi. My heart immediately sank at the sight and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Long time no see, Sangie....still thicc, I see.." Wooyoung timidly said. The tears demanded to fall down my cheeks and that's what they did as I ran into Wooyoung and hugged him tightly. I could never forget him or just let him go, even if I didn't fully trust him or forgive him yet. I truly missed him.

I turned back to Seonghwa who just smirked at me. I blushed and tried to look away, but he already pulled me into a loving kiss.

The wait was over.

××The End××


The end has finally arrived 🥺 I know the ending wasn't the best and possibly made no sense but while I was writing, I was thinking of ways to leave the story open for a sequel. Turns out, there will NOT be one. I thank you all so much for making to the end of this story!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting I love you guys SO SO MUCH!! "JEALOUS" is on hold so I will be working on something else in the meantime.

Originally I was gonna end it that SeongSang would not end up together because of what Sangie had been through but I could not resist and I worked my way around it. ❤️❤️❤️ thank you again and I hope to see you in my next story! Bye!

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