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××Yeosang's POV××

I heard the knocking once, twice, then three times. I gulped as my heart started pounding. I heard the knocking a fourth time.

"Yeosang? Sweetie are you alright? Is someone in there with you?" The familiar sound of the sweet voice came through the door and into my ear.

It was my mother.

I quickly but carefully pushed Seonghwa away and motioned for him to hide. I could tell by his face expression that he didn't understand why I was in such a panic. I heard the knocking again.


"E-Everything is fine, mommy! D-Don't worry!" I replied nervously. "Go hide." I whispered to Seonghwa.

"What's the big deal?" He whispered back. I sighed and took his hand, leading him into my walk-in closet. I shut the door just as my mom walked in.

She wasn't suspicious of anything. My mother actually trusted me a lot. She really just wanted to tell me she and my father would be heading out for another date. It was late but it is what it is. After mom blew me a ton if kisses and shut the door, Seonghwa peeked out of the closet and stood beside me.

"Throwing me in a closet..pretty cliché, don't you think?" He asked, crossing his arms playfully. I gently pushed him and let out a tiny giggle.

The longer we stood there, the harder reality hit me in the face.

Park Seonghwa. My crush since forever. Was in my house, was practically flirting me against my bedroom door, called me different nicknames, referred to himself as daddy, and was just hiding from my mother in my closet.

What. The. Heck.

I had to be dreaming. There was no way it was real. Park Seonghwa came here of all places. Of all places...

That's right.

I had forgotten that I wasn't special. Of course Seonghwa had been to other peoples' houses, why did I think I was any different from them? Seonghwa flirted with everyone and could have anyone he wanted just by existing. I was stupid to think I was in one of those k-pop fanfictions where the ship always gets to sail. I was stupid to think he'd ever go for me. Of course other people called him daddy- not that I knew why or why he'd refer to himself that way. Wooyoung did the same sometimes-. I was stupid to think I ever even had a chance.

My mind was constantly dancing around the thought of a happily ever after with him, but it was always a one man show. My heart has raced for him and only him. My diaries consisted of entries about me and my day and slowly leading into him. My whole world revolved around him. I was weak to his existence, and yet it was times like these where all it did was break me. It was hard to think of the last time Seonghwa had been in an actual relationship. I knew he had boyfriends and girlfriends but I also knew he didn't have that many. Point is, he hadn't dated anyone in a long time and I knew I wasn't about to change his mind. I sighed and turned to Seonghwa.

"I-I think..I think that you should go now, Seonghwa.." I said, avoiding eye contact.

"What's this all of a sudden, princess? We were just about to continue where we left off." He slowly walked over to me and held me by my waist. I stepped away from him.

"Seonghwa, please, I don't wanna be hurt. I don't wanna be another one of your distractions.."I turned away from him. "I know that you're like this with other people. Please don't act like I'm any different when I'm not.." I turned away from him. I felt hurt and it sucked I had to make him leave.



I didn't hear anything after that and that's what scared me. I heard his footsteps and I was suddenly spun around and pinned to the wall. Seonghwa leaned in close to me and for a second I thought he'd kiss me. But his head turned and his lips met my cheek. My heart raced and my cheeks burned and everything just stopped. Seonghwa smirked.

"Don't think you'll never see me again, baby. I know that'll just eat you up inside." He whispered. He then planted a kiss on my neck before disappearing out my window. I sighed as I hugged myself nervously.

He knew fully well I liked him.

I jumped when my phone vibrated several times. I ran to my bed and held my phone. Wooyoung was calling me. I answered.

"Hello? Wooyoung?"

"Hey, love..you alright? You sound nervous.."

"I'm fine, but you won't believe what has happened! Park Seonghwa was just here!"

"What!? I mean...that's crazy- I- I don't know what to say! You lucky son of a gun!"

"I know! It was crazy! But I...kinda had to kick him out. Didn't wanna get hurt."

"Sweetums, I taught you better!"

"Wooyoung, you know I'm not anything to him-"

"But you could be! Pushing him away will make him think you aren't interested and Lord knows you're interested!"

He wasn't wrong. Something deep inside told me that developing some sort of friendship with Seonghwa may heighten my chances of getting into a romantic relationship, which was everything I wanted. But as Wooyoung spoke to me, I couldn't help but notice how nervous or suspicious he sounded. I'm not sure how to describe it but something felt off, like he was hiding something from me. I brushed it off, seeing as Wooyoung was someone I could trust and confide in.

The conversation ended and I headed to bed, feeling emotionally tired. I needed to think.

××Wooyoung's POV××

I banged my head against the bathroom door. Everything was tough. This was something I wanted and I wanted to help the boys but Yeosang was trusting me. You're most likely wondering what it is everyone is going on about.

The plan was relatively simple: we wanted all of Yeosang's riches to become the richest in Korea. It would be added on to the money we already had, of course. How would we do that? The plan was to murder Yeosang's father, possibly his mother, and reword the will. That way, everything goes to us and we'd deal with Yeosang later. What made things more complicated? There were other people like us going after the same thing. Everyone wanted Yeosang cause he was the key to making the plan work. Earn his trust, we get closer to the will.

It was choppy and a work in progress, but we knew what we were after. Was I a terrible friend for going along with this? Hell yeah. Did I have my regrets?

Yes and no. Mostly no.


And once again, we are at the end of another chapter! I know this one was a little rough but it was mainly for you to get a LITTLE more insight on what I want to happen.


You read what the plan in Seonghwa's group is but I'm not sure if I like it too much. So please feel free to tweak it in the comments and I will definitely see it and consider it. This is just so the story has a path and doesn't end up confusing or even discontinued for rewriting. Thank you all so much and I'll see you next chapter!♡♡♡♡

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