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××San's POV××

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. One would say I was disgusted in that moment. And to be honest, I kinda was.

Park Junhee. Leader of what his group of boys would call themselves, A.C.E., was with his boys Lee Donghun, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan, and Kang Yuchan. I wasn't sure why they had shown up to my house but I wasn't about to let my guard down either.

"Relax, Shiber. We're unarmed today. We just figured we'd pay you a....friendly visit. Yeah, let's call it that. How's that plan of yours going?" Junhee said while crossing his arms.

He knew something. They all did.

"That's none of your business, Jun." I rolled my eyes and attempted to close the door but Jun pushed it back open and started directly into my eyes.

"That prize is ours, Choi. Watch your back."

The five of them left, with Byeongkwan giving me one last look before following behind them. I rolled my eyes again and closed the door, immediately getting on my phone and messaging Hongjoong. ACE has something else up their sleeves and they're a highly intelligent group of boys. Which is why they've lasted so long in this rivalry.

Hongjoong immediately came over after hearing about ACE's visit. It was time for another meeting to further discuss our plan and possibly tweak it for future events. If ACE had shown up on my doorstep, then the others would be crawling up out of their ditches pretty soon.

××Junhee's POV××

We were driving over to the Kang household. While Hongjoong's crew had a chopped up plan, we were one step ahead before we were even born. My family and Byeongkwan's family have known the Kang's since they were in school. So we had an advantage before we were even born and made the decision to lead this kind of life. But would we let Hongjoong find out about that? Hell no.

We were well aware of what their plan was, of course. Yuchan is like our "spy". We send him in to get details on everyone. If this were a team effort amongst all the gangs, ACE would be the top dogs, we'd be at the head of the table. What were we doing? Everyone is after Yeosang to get closer to his father. Of course we all have different ways of going about things. We're after Yeosang as well but we're going to hold on to him so no one else has a chance of getting to him, therefore getting closer to his father's will. We'll have the higher advantage because we'll have the bait.

"Jun...What about Lisa?" Yuchan asked from the back seat. I glanced at the rear view mirror and then directed my attention back to the road.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about her, Chan. We're ahead in all this. We know Lisa's patterns now. If she strikes, we're way ahead of her." I replied shaking my head slightly.

"I wouldn't be so confident in that, Jun. Lisa's a smart one and you know her pattern's always changing." Byeongkwan chimed in.

He wasn't wrong. Lisa's little group, a.k.a. BLACKPINK, has been one of our bigger threats, along with San's group, or ATEEZ as they insist on calling themselves. I always thought it was a stupid name. But enough about that. BLACKPINK gave themselves the job of...eliminating other groups from this little game. They dont come out in the open like we normally are. We'd normally refer to them as the "snipers". They strike when they've got you in their sights.

We arrived at Yeosang's mansion and it was time for Byeongkwan to play his part. Seyhoon handed Byeongkwan a bouquet of flowers to be given to Yeosang. Byeongkwan was going to be playing as the love interest here. Yeosang liked Seonghwa so we had to get that scum out of the picture.

××Yeosang's POV××

I was in the middle of lip syncing "Mansae" by Seventeen when my doorbell rang loudly through the house. I put my brush microphone down and went downstairs to see one if my butlers at the door and face to face with Byeongkwan, a friend of mine. We didn't hang out all the time cause he was always busy with something. But it was always a pleasure to see him nonetheless.

"Good morning. Is Yeosang in?"he asked politely. Seeing as that was my cue to show up, I hurried to my butler's side with a smile, dismissing him.

"Good morning, Byeongkwan. Long time, no see! What brings you here?" He smiled brightly at me and handed me some flowers. It was unexpected but it was sweet.

"I figured we could go out today. Just the two of us. What do you say, love?"

I was taken aback. He called me 'love'. I always thought Byeongkwan was in a relationship with someone. Guess I was wrong.


"He's with me, so get outta here." I heard a familiar voice from behind him.



This was a short chapter but I like to end on a cliffhanger...I hope it's good so far! I wanted to start introducing those Kpop groups you wanted. I'm not a stan of TOO many kpop groups so I hope I got the names and such correct, so here you go for those of you who wanted ACE! ^^

Never fear, though! More groups will be mentioned so you may get a chance to see the group you mentioned! The story won't be over for a while as you know :D

I'll also be working on the new story "JEALOUS" so you can check that out when chapter one is out! Thank you so much! There's also a WooSan story coming soon, just a change of ships in case you get bored. Comment down if you want the intro for that to get published as well, I think you'll like it.

See you all next chapter! ♡♡♡♡♡

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