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××Seonghwa's POV××

Namjoon led his group of boys to our area. GOT7 was behind them, throwing shade. Bangtan and GOT7 were allies, they collabed when making music sometimes and overall traveled together most of the time. I couldn't say they were after what almost every other gang was after cause...well...

GOT7 was a frickin' mystery. No one knew what they wanted or what they were capable of. Aside from making some good bops during the day, no one knew what the hell they were up to when the darkness of night creeped in. Hell, if they were after Yeosang and his family, they could've very well been very close victory while the rest of us were far behind.

You could say Bangtan and GOT7 were...the alphas. They were pretty much in charge and though they did some dirty work on the sidelines, they were usually around to clean up all our messes. Namjoon looked around at all of us, his expression and body language ever so calm and collected.

"Go home, ACE. Seonghwa, we'll drop you off at San's house. I've said it time and time again; this needs to stop. I don't personally know this Kang Yeosang, but I know he doesn't need to live a violent life full of lies and betrayal, especially when his parents are involved. Don't make me waste my breath on this again." He said sternly. Namjoon wasn't the type to play games, but at the same time we all didn't want to obey because we were determined to get what we wanted.

I rolled my eyes and got into the Bangtan car whole GOT7 went into their own, BamBam shooting glares at me. Let's just say our personalities didn't harmonize that well. The car drove off and Jungkook looked in my direction from his seat next to Namjoon, who was the driver.

"What's the point of all this anyway? You use him to gain his trust, just to tear him by killing his family and steal his riches? What do you think he's gonna do? Let it slide and not call the police? It makes no sense. You're just ruining the life of an innocent person?" He scolded. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

"I don't care. This is what we've wanted for a long time and we're gonna get it. Just- mind your business, Kook." I replied, annoyed.

"If you fail and end up in jail, don't complain that we didn't warn you." Taehyung chimed in. I stayed silent, not really caring. I was tempted to jump out of the moving car if they didn't just stop talking. My plans were really none of their business. No one even knew what they'd be doing by the time I was dropped off.

As soon as San's house came into view, fear and concern took over my body. The windows were covered in bullet holes and the garden was messed up. As soon as the car stopped, I rushed out and burst through the already open front door. San had just been passing through and he looked at me like I was crazy or the house wasn't completely totaled.

"San, what the hell happened?!" I asked in worry. San just casually looked around the room and then looked back at me.

"BLACKPINK happened. They broke in and pretty much shot up the place in attempt to kill us all. But we were prepared. And no one is hurt, in case you were wondering. Hey, you wanna throw a party? We were talking about it just before you came in here like a mad man." He casually replied. I was completely lost. We were vulnerable and he was ready to throw a party.

"San, we can't-"

"Yeah, we can. It's not like we're gonna invite those other bimbos. We'll invite some of our fans, Wooyoung, and of course Yeosang." He continued. I figured I would just let it go. I agreed to the party and texted Wooyoung what was going on. I wanted him to just say he heard about the party on social media so he didn't end up exposing himself.

××Time Skip××

It didn't take long for San's house to be completely packed. No worries...San's parents were barely ever home due to work and all that jazz so...if the house got trashed...that was up to whoever the cleaning crew was. San was playing Bomb Bomb by KARD and it was like his house turned into a whole nightclub. I spotted Wooyoung come through the front doors holding Yeosang's hand.

It was over for me.

Yeosang looked as nervous as ever, as if he didn't wanna come to this party, but damn...he looked hot as hell. He wasn't dressed in anything fancy (and no he didn't dress like a hoe either). It was like he was trying to be cute but instead it was sexy. A black tank top that said "Cute boys read manga", black shorts, black thigh-high socks, boots that had chains dangling on the sides, a charm bracelet on one wrist and a black cuff in the other. I was frickin' undressing the guy with my eyes. It was more than I could take. That outfit couldn't have been something he picked out himself.

I watched as Wooyoung left Yeosang on his own and that was my chance to push through the crowd and get to Yeosang, who had his legs tightly closed together and nervously scratched his arm whilst looking down. I approached him and gently took his hand, leading him to an empty corner and pinned him against the wall, moving my hands to his hips.

"S-Seonghwa..?" I heard him stutter out. I just smirked at him and lifted his head up by his chin to look at me.

"Hey, baby. You look so damn sexy." I replied to him in a low tone. I saw his cheeks turn red in the blue lighting that spread throughout the house. God, he was adorable.

I heard him make little noises, clearly unsure of what to say. I chuckled and leaned in closer to him. He jumped, caught off guard but I ignored it. I gently kissed his cheek and slowly moved the kisses down to his neck. I felt him place his hands on my chest in an attempt to push me away but his hands turned into fists, gripping my shirt as I gently kissed his neck.

"S-S-Seonghwa...don't-.." he stuttered out. My grip on his hips tightened a bit.

"You haven't pushed me away yet, so I'm obviously doing something right." I said. He hadn't said anything, so I assumed I was right. I pulled him closer to me and leaned down, grabbing him by his legs and picking him up. He immediately held me as if I'd drop him. "Don't worry, baby, I got you." I feel his embarrassment as I carried him upstairs to a guest room.

"Seonghwa I don't think we should-"

"Shhh, I think you'll feel better once we're alone." I brought him into a guest room and put him down against the door.

He was a flustered mess and he refused to look at me. I made him look at me and I looked into his eyes. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous. He was gorgeous. I never took the time to admire him, and I was glad I did. He was perfect. His skin was soft and smooth and his hair was flawless. His lips looked soft and his eyelashes were cute and curly. My eyes traveled everywhere else. His body was cute. He looked amazing in thigh-highs and I hoped to see him in shorts more often even though I knew I wouldn't. He was shy and liked to cover himself. I wanted to see all of him. Yes. I was a player most of the time but this time..but Yeosang was different. I wanted him but I wanted him to be mine alone. The quiet room, staring into his eyes, holding him close....it made me forget everything. I couldn't take it. I had to.

"Screw it." I simply but quietly said.

And I pressed my lips against his.


Another chapter finished! Hope you liked this one as much as I did! ♡♡

I think I'm at that point again where I wanna finish the story but don't wanna rush it XD. Also I know I mentioned Bam Bam but I don't want it to be that I got the wrong kpop group and then everyone comes for me- >~<

Anyway, thanks for reading and see you next chapter! Love you!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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